Dr. Hazzard Will Continue Her Studies

MOTHER RECEIVES FELLOWSHIP FOR GRADUATE STUDY: Dr. Florence W. Hazzard of Wells St., who holds a doctorate in psychology, has received a fellowship for further study from Goucher College in Baltimore, of which she is an alumna. Mrs. Hazzard is the wife of Dr. Albert S. Hazzard, director of the Institute of Fisheries Research in the University, and they have five children. From the left above are: William, Mrs. Hazzard, Betty Anne and Laura, who are seated, and Edith and Mary, who are standing.
University of Michigan Institute of Fisheries Research
Goucher College
Cornell University
Awards Honors Prizes
Has Photo
Ann Arbor News
Old News
William R. Hazzard
Mrs. Robert Tillman
Mrs. Homer Heath
Mrs. Herman H. Riecker
Mary Hazzard Swiggart
Laura Hazzard
Edith Hazzard Wright
Dr. Florence Woolsey Hazzard
Dr. Albert S. Hazzard
Betty Anne Hazzard
Eck Stanger