Ann Arbor News, July 1, 1946
Digitized Photos:
Digitized Articles:
- Golden Wedding Of Her Parents Celebrated Along With Veronica Hoffstetter's Marriage
- 10-15 Per Cent Rise Seen For Local Rents
- Europe Worried About Our Policy On Russia, Visiting Observer Finds
- Art Museum Opens Tonight
- The Weather
- Costumiere
- School Voters Will Register
- Three Return From Jaycee Convention
- Dr. M. K. Guinan, Dexter Physician, Dies At Age Of 80
- Traffic Cases
- Fire Department Adds Two Men
- Law Against Selling Liquor To Minors
- One-Way Street Experiment Successful In Ann Arbor
- With The Men In Service: July 1, 1946
- Reservists To Meet
- Ford To Take Office On Education Board
- Two Women Hurt When Hit By Car
- More Foreign Students Apply To Enter U-M
- Printing Concern Firings Protested
- 70 Members Of Historical Society Meet
- Pine Ridge Residents Hold Garden Party
- Personals
- Churches - Ladies' Aid Meeting Advanced
- Clubs - Story League Yarn Tonight
- Seven Return From Benefit Group Meeting
- Argentine Educator To Observe Operation Of University Here
- Klohs-Hodge Vows Spoken At Zion Church
- Veterans' Wives To Sponser Benefit
- Shirley Wilson Is Engaged To Robert Searles
- Calendar Of Events
- Marriage License Applications
- Engagement Announced
- Bible School Pupils To Present Program
- Katzenmeyer Is Winner Again At Ann Arbor
- Barton Golfers Beat Washtenaw
- Stalker And Horning On All-National
- Legion Juniors Win County Title At Ypsi
- Stage, Screen
- Mrs. William B. Smith
- Frayer Services
- Mrs. Emma C. Keeler
- Herman F. Conzett
- Ross E. Spencer
- Mrs. Walter Beuerle
- Mrs. Fred Stephenson
- Max D. Forbes
Digitized Advertisements:
- Crippen Drug Store
- Crowley Studio
- Haller's in Ann Arbor
- Huron Plumbing Co.
- Fuller's
- Artway Cleaners
- The Tavern Cafeteria
- The Paint Pot
- Allenel
- Newton-Freeman Insurance Service
- Gauss Baking Company
- Athens Press
- The Don-Al Grill
- Dairy-Del Bathing Beach
- Circle C Dude Ranch
- Ann Arbor Cleaning And Supply
- Automobile Club of Michigan - Ann Arbor Division
- The Ann Arbor News
- The Quarry Inc.
- Walt Hertler's Hi-Speed
- Jone's Shell Service
- Ann Arbor Cut Rate Clothing
- Harold C. Faber Service
- Schroens Swiss Cleaners
- Kline's Department Store
- Cahow Drug Co.
- The Armory
- Muir's Original Cut Rate Drugs
- Godfrey Moving & Storage Co.
- Mast's
- Wagner's
- Household Finance Corporation
- Weber's
- Johnson & Company
- The Elizabeth Dillon Shop
- Follett's Book Store
- Goldman Brothers Cleaners
- Athens Press
- Kroger Super Markets
- E. G. Kuebler, Ins.
- Ann Arbor Beauty Shop
- Dixie Shops
- B. E. Muehlig Dry Goods
- The Detroit Edison Company
- Michigan Consolidated Gas Co.
- Ann Arbor City Bus Inc.
- Greene's Microclean
- Sun Life Assurance Company Of Canada
- Martin Haller's
- Jacobson's
- PJ's Records Advertisement
- Village Corner Advertisement, undated