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Lawrence D. Pelton

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Lawrence Davis Pelton, former sales manager for the Johnson Motor Sales and more recently a telegraph operator for the New York Central Railroad here, died yesterday morning at his residence, 4395 Saline Rd. He had been ill six months.

Mr. Pelton was born Aug. 4, 1894, in Batavia, Ill., and lived in Flint for many years until moving here six years ago. In Flint he had his own orchestra and was a member of the American Federation of Musicians and the Knights of Pythias.

He leaves his wife, Minnie Borst Pelton; a son, Jack Davis Pelton, Ann Arbor; a daughter, Mrs. Mary Jane Payne, Fenton; and two granddaughters.

Also surviving are three brothers, Donald of Flint, Henry of Pittsburgh, and Lloyd of St. Louis; and three sisters, Mrs. Ellen Pierce and Mrs. Dorothy Bedell, both of Flint, and Mrs. Margaret Jennings, Lansing.

Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the Muehlig chapel, conducted by Chlarence Kessler, C. S. Cremation will follow. Friends may call at the chapel.