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Lattimore May Cancel Talk Here

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Lattimore May Cancel Talk Here
University officials expressed doubt today that Owen Lattimore, State Department consultant on Far Eastern affairs who has been accused as a Communist agent by Senator Joseph McCarthy, would fill a scheduled engagement on the campus April 13.
Lattimore, a professor at Johns, Hopkins University, is supposed to present a paper on “The Mongol Studies at Johns Hopkins University" at the annual meeting of the Far Eastern Association here.
Dr. Joseph K. Yamagiwa, chairman of the department of Far Eastern languages and literatures and secretary of the association, said today, however, that he did not expect Lattimore would appear, because of recent developments in the Senate.
No formal notification has been received from Lattimore, who returned from a special United Nations mission to Afghanistan to answer Senator McCarthy's charges that he is a top-level Russian agent. Lattimore testified yesterday before the Senate committee investigating McCarthy's contentions that the senator's statements were "lies.”