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Mrs. Harlow Ludwig

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Mrs. Harlow Ludwig

Succumbs In Hospital
[ Following Long Illness

Mrs. Hazel Mane Ludwig, 44,
wife of Harlow A. Ludwig of 2365
Jackson Ave., died this morning
at .St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital
aher a long illness.

She was born in Ann Arbor July
11, 1909, a daughter of Jacob and
Anna Bell Gross. On July 11, 1934,
she was married to Mr. Ludwig.

Survivors include her husband;

her mother; a daughter, Mrs. John
Patterson of Ann Arbor; a son,
Lewis A, Ludwig of Ann Arbor; a
grandchild; a sister, Mrs. Frank
" "dman of East Ann Arbor; a
'iher, Gerald Gross of Ann Ar-
bor; a step-sister, Mrs. Howard
demen^'er of Ft. Sheridan, 111., and
' -lop-brother, William, of Whit-
re Lake.

Funeral services will be held at
3 p.m.' Wednesday in the Muehlig
Funeral Chapel by the Jehovah's
Witnesses. Burial will be in Fair-
view Cemetery.

^riends may call at the chapel

-'T t< iday. The family requests
that flowers be omitted.