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Markham Elected By Lions Club

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Markham Elected By Lions Club
Clarence W. Markham of 3016 Brockman Blvd., a supervisor for the Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co., was named president-elect of the Ann Arbor Lions Club yesterday. He will succeed Robert T. Ball in July.
The club voted to propose Prof. Raymond L. Garner, immediate past president, as a nominee for governor of Lions District 11-A, which includes clubs in the greater Detroit area.
Other officers elected were: Harry E. Foster, first vice-president; Eugene H. Towner, second vice-president; Ralph E. Rash, third vice-president; Richard J. Mann, lion tamer; Clyde Clark, secretary; Hugh T. McNally, tail twister; John W. Gillen, treasurer; and Wilfred B. Graf and John P. Paup, new members of the board of directors.
Clarence W. Markham