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Mrs. Olive Smith

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Mrs. Olive Smith

Former City Woman
Dies In California

Mrs. Olivp Wines Smith 72,
daughter of the late Levi D.
Wines and a graduate of Ann
Arbor High School, died Tuesday
at the home of a daughter, Mrs.
Esther Prigoning of Casper, Calif.

Mrs. Smith was graduated, from
Ann Arbor High School in the
class of 1902. She attended the
University for two_years. She was
a member of Kappa Kappa Gam-
ma sorority. She also was a mem-
ber of the First. Methodist Church.
and the Women's Society of Chris-
lion Service of the Church. She
also belonged to the Washtenaw
Historical Society.

She came to live with her
mother, Mrs. L. D. Wines of 830
E. University Ave., in 1944 after
the death of her husband, C. Stow-
ell Smith. Her mother survives.
Mrs. Smith moved to California
in January, 1955.

Also surviving are a son and
another daughter and a brother,
Harold D. Wines of Ann Arbor.

Funeral services and burial will
be in California.