Fellowship Group To Give 'Maji' Play
Play Being Presented In Church
Rehearsing a scene from “The Journey Of
The Three Kings” are Patricia Rector, por-
traying the Ox; Elizabeth Rupert as Mary;
Greg Miller as Joseph, and John Gould, por-
traying the Ass. Jennifer Cowing is cast as
the Baby Jesus. Kneeling (from left) are
Richard Goodwin, Casper; Kenneth Cowing,
Melchior; and Rick Oliver, Balthazar. Cast
members made the 14 animal heads used in
the play.
Fellowship Group
To Give ‘Maji’ Play
The Senior High Methodist
Youth Fellowship and the
Drama Committee of the First
Methodist Church will present
the Epiphany drama “The Jour-
ney of the Three Kings” Friday
at 7:30 p.m.
The one-night free public per-
formance will be presented in
the sanctuary of the First
Methodist Church at 120 S. State.
Written by French playwright
Henri Gheon, “The Journey
of the Three Kings” depicts the
journey of the Magi as they
search for the Christ-child.
Much of the drama centers
around the experiences of the
Wise Men as they encounter and
refuse to worship the tyrannical,
egocentric ruler. Herod.
Thirty-two youths from the
church appear in the play, di-
rected by Miss Janet Larevsky.
Original animal costumes and
heads used in the play were
designed by Garry Kell and
Miss Vergil Slee and made by
the cast members.
Mrs. John Wagner is coor-
dinator of the production, and
Mrs. Margaret Langer is stage
manager. Miss Katherine Strand
directed the costume - design-
ing staff, and Mrs. Stuart Ab-
bey, Miss Linda Kell and Miss
Joan King supervised the chore-
First Methodist Church
Methodist Youth Fellowship
Has Photo
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Patricia Rector
Elizabeth Rupert
Greg Miller
John Gould
Jennifer Cowing
Richard Goodwin
Kenneth Cowing
Rick Oliver
Henri Gheon
Janet Larevsky
Garry Kell
Vergil Slee
Mrs. John Wagner
Margaret Langer
Katherine Strand
Mrs. Stuart Abbey
Linda Kell
Joan King
120 S State St