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Vivian, Bendix Boss Clash On Space Needs

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Weston E. 'Vivian, a Demo-I cratic candidate for Congress in the Second District, has reiterated his position on cuts in the moon program following sharp criticism from the executive of a local firm which would be affected by such cuts In a telegram to J. F. Clayton, general manager of the Bendix Aerospace Systems División, Vivían said: "... The inescapable needs of these years of war and riots demand that we concéntrate our public funds on only the most vital tasks." An exchange of telegrama between Clayton and Viviatt was touched off by a statemen attributed to Vivian in Thf; News. Vivian said he woulo meet demands of the federa budget by deferring and mail ing cuts in the moon program "which has obscured rathei? than helped basic scientific investigation." "I personally strongly disagree with this view," Clayton told Vivian in a telegram, "but more importantly you are certainly aware that Aerospace Systems División is the principal contractor to NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) for the Apollo program." In response to Clayton's telegram, Vivian listed training for the unskilled, better education for disadvantaged youngsters, an upgrading of urban transportation, low cost housing and prevention of pollution as higher priority undertakings for thej federal government. I Clayton drew the attention of his employés to Vivian's stateIments in a letter circulated [today. ; "Each of us must make his lown judgment on whether we lagree or disagree with Dr. Vivilan," the letter said. "My own Ijudgment is that Dr. Vivian is I wrong in suggesting that the Iway to solve the social problléms of the nation is to termiInate lunar exploration." II Vivian's telegram did not fexpand on his statememt about Ithe moon program obscuring Irather than helping ba.'sic scienI tifie investigation, butt he did Itell Clayton that while in Congress he "spent considerable effort informing NASA of your excellent compete nee and advanced work in thi.s field."