Barn Fire Is Charged To Student

Barn Fire
Is Charged
To Student
YPSILANTI — An Eastern
Michigan University student was
arrested yesterday by officers of
the Michigan State Police Ypsi-
lanti Post for arson in the May
13 burning of a barn near the
abandoned farm house where a
13-year-old girl is believed tc^
have been murdered.
Ralph R. Krass, 21, of Harper
Woods, was arraigned before
District Judge Rodney E. Hutc-
inson. Krass stood mute Hin-i
Hnir-hsil n.! .. ' .d at $5,000.
Un, . . Krass was
lodged in the County Jail.
State Police officers said that
the arson is still under investi-
gation and that more arrests
are expected. They do not know
if the barn burning has any con-
nection with the murder investi-
The barn is on an abandoned
farm on LeForge Rd. in Super-
ior Township. Dawn Basom, 13,
is believed to have been stran-
gled and stabbed to death April
16 in the farm house which is
about 100 feet ' ; barn.
Her body was fon de Gale
Rd., about a mile from the mw
der scene.
She was the fifth young wom-
an to be murdered in the area
since the summer of 1967, and
all area police agencies are in-
volved in the investigation.