Drug Center Closing Averted

Ypsilanti Gives Time On Zoning
Drug Center Closing
Tuesday June 15, 1971
By Joann Van Wye
(News Ypsilanti Reporter)
The methadone drug program has been relocated at the Washtenaw County Medical Care Facility until “Ypsilanti works its problems out,” according to Ann Arbor Cmsr. David Byrd. Despite a 60 day stay of execution by the Ypsilanti City Council, the Washtenaw Community Mental Health Center has decided to proceed with its plans to relocate in the care facility, as of today, Byrd said.
YPSILANTI — An interim move was averted and the doors of the methadone drug treatment program in the Octagon House remained open this morning following a decision by the Ypsilanti City Council to give the property a 60-day stay of execution before enforcing the zoning.
The facility was ordered closed by city officials Friday after receiving an opinion by the city attorney that the drug treatment clinic did not comply with the R-3 zoning of the property.
Provisions had been made to relocate the drug clinic, which is operated by the Washtenaw Community Mental County Health Center, in the Washtenaw County Medical Care Facility temporarily so 35 addicts currently receiving methadone, a drug substitute which temporarily satisfies the craving for heroin, would not be affected. The move will apparently not be necessary now.
The request for time to rectify the zoning was made by Kenneth Leighton, one of the owners of the property. He explained that he had requested a rezoning of the property from R-3 to R-0 which would be compatible with the drug facility but time was needed before the rezoning could take place.
The council’s decision to allow the drug treatment program to remain in the Octagon House at 114 N. River despite the zoning violation came out of a 40-minute executive session, barred to the public and media, to discuss “personalities.”
In making the announcement Mayor Richard L. Boatwright said, “Our concern is that of a moral concern for those people who need help. For that purpose the council agrees to extend a stay of execution for 60 days.”
Boatwright said the council had not changed its position on the illegality of locating the facility in R-3 zoning and that the zoning of the property would be enforced at the end of the 60 days. The 60 days will give the Planning Commission time to act on a recommendation to council concerning the rezoning request.
Boatwright emphasized that the council's decision was in no way to be interpreted as finding fault with the city officials for ordering the facility closed. He also said the decision was not based on the lease or petty comments and political maneuvering.
Prior to the executive session, Boatwright pointed out that the city and council had done everything possible to accommodate the facility and was supportive of the methadone program, as indicated by its $4,500 appropriation to it. He criticized county officials for not contacting the city previous to moving into the Octagon House.
‘‘We in Ypsilanti must recognize some support for this program other than monetary,” said Leighton, who reported to council that he would continue to enforce his lease even if the facility was forced to be relocated until the zoning question was cleared up. He emphasized that no deliberate attempt to violate the city’s zoning ordinances had been made.
“The council is now in a position of being damned if we do and damned if we don’t basically because of the lack of consideration by the county (not notifying the city of the location of the center). The county is making us look like the bad guys,” said Boatwright.
Councilwoman Natalie E. Edmunds, whose husband is a part owner of the property, said that while realizing the facility was in violation of the zoning, she was afraid the people being treated would lose faith with the program if it was relocated.