Kiwanis Sale Opens Tomorrow
Mrs. Lyle Paige, Mrs. Donald Olson, Women’s Sale Co-Chairman, Mrs. David Welch And Mrs. Raymond McCalla, Women’s Sale Co-Chairman, Prepare For Yearly Event
Kiwanis Sale Opens Tomorrow
The 46th Annual Sale of the Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor will take place tomorrow, Friday and Saturday at the Kiwanis Activities Center, W. Washington and S. First Sts.
Michael Forsythe and Dean Bolgos, this year’s co-chairmen, said this year’s merchandise is exceptionally good and all three floors of the Kiwanis building will be used. Bolgos has been hindered the past week by a broken leg and is confined to his home but uses the telephone to keep sale activities going.
More than 180 Kiwanians, their wives and children, man the sale and all proceeds are used for the club’s 82 charitable projects for the ensuing year. Chief recipient is the Hospital School at the C. J. Mott’s Children’s Hospital, with additional funds going to 4-H sponsorship, camperships kid baseball and hockey, Boy Scout and Girl Scout work, underprivileged children’s work, drug abuse work, hearing aids for the deaf, Learn-to-Swim Program at the YM-YWCA, and various other projects for children and senior citizens.
Large donations have been made to Spaulding For Children, outfitting the Ashley Clague Room at the C. J. Mott’s Children’s Hospital, and capital fund drives for the Y building.
The co-chairmen hope that $25,000 can be raised during this sale. Hours for the sale are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday. A buffet dinner will be served on the second floor Friday from 5 to 7 p.m. and lunch will be served each day from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor celebrated its golden anniversary this past year and is the largest Kiwanis club in the State of Michigan. The club this past year was given the outstanding achievement award for clubs in the Michigan District in 1971.