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Take five or six pounds scraggy beef---a neck piece will do---and put to boil in water enough to cover it, take off the scum that rises when it reaches the boiling point, add hot water from time to time until it is tender, then remove the lid from the pot, salt, let boil till almost dry, turning the meat over occasionally in the liquor, take from the fire, and let stand over night to get thoroughly cold; pick bones, gristle, or stringy bits from the meat, chop very fine, mincing at the same time three pounds of nice beef suet; seed and cut four pounds raisins, wash and dry four pounds currants, slice thin a pound of citron, chop fine four quarts good-cooking tart apples; put into a large pan together, add two ounces cinnamon, one of cloves, one of ginger, four nutmegs, the juice and grated rinds of two lemons, one tablespoon salt, one teaspoon pepper, and two pounds sugar. Put in a porcelain kettle one quart boiled cider, or, better still, one quart currant or grape juice (canned when grapes are turning from green to purple), one quart nice molasses or syrup, also a good lump of butter, let it come to boiling point, and pour over the ingredients in the pan after having first mixed them well, then mix again thoroughly. Pack in jars and put in a cool place, and, when cold, pour molasses over the top an eighth of an inch in thickness, and cover tightly. This will keep two months. For baking, take some out of a jar; if not moist enough add a little hot water, and strew a few whole raisins over each pie. Instead of boiled beef, a beef's heart or roast meat may be used; and a good proportion for a few pies is one third chopped meat and two thirds apples, with a little suet, raisins, spices, butter, and salt.

