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It's a
way to Shop at
Mack is Co.
It is a real pleasure to be a shopper at Mack's for the store is overflowing with the best of everything! The displays are the result of
for to provide everything that is beautiful comfortable and useful that
and skill have produced to vie. De D. merits include the following:
Procks, wip, House,
sport attire
unden we Women's and Tren's for Minions, and trim
Bed and table linens Silk, wool and wash goods
Art and Faney Work Stationery and Notions
Gloves and Hosiery Neckwear and Jewelry
Men's Furnishings Home Furnishings Bargain Basement Beauty Parlor
Lingerie Patterns Milline
Come and look through the store whenever you can it is here for your enjoyment as well as your service.

