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Meats and Their Accompaniments

Meats and Their Accompaniments image

With roast beef: tomato sauce, grated horse-radish, mus-
tard, cranberry sauce, pickles.
With roast pork: apple sauce, cranberry sauce.
With roast veal: tomato sauce, mushroom sauce, onion sauce
and cranberry sauce. Horse-radish and lemons are good.
With roast mutton: currant jelly, caper sauce.
With boiled mutton: onion sauce, caper sauce.
With boiled fowls: bread sauce, onion sauce, lemon sauce,
cranberry sauce, jellies. Also cream sauce.
With roast lamb: mint sauce.
With roast turkey: cranberry sauce: currant jelly.
With boiled turkey: oyster sauce.
With venison or wild ducks : cranberry sauce, currant jelly, or
currant jelly warmed with port wine.
Chicken Tamales
4 lbs chicken & remove bone cut in
pieces not too fine, add to chicken/
can *** / to salt, / to pepper / to
red chilli pepper, 3 cups, chicken stock
3 tb chicken fat & butter make
mush of yellow *** meal.
Tomato juice/ can make mush
with *** juice and water equal
Parts. Butter cups and when mush
is partly cool five cups and fill milk
Chicken mixture/ over tops smoothly
And steam for 2 1/2 hrs.
Sauce 1 1/2 cups chicken stock, 1 1/2 cups
tomato juice. Boil in this a few
minutes / teaspoon salt, 1 to gr, pepper
strain & add / is chicken fat & butter,
chicken with a little flour ***
slice sauce if you choose.


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