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Grape Juice

Grape Juice image

Pick 1 peck of grapes (Concord) from the stems, and bring to a boil with
1 qt. of water; strain through a cloth. To 1 gallon of juice add 2 qts. of water, 2 lbs. sugar. Boil 20 minutes. Bottle hot and seal. Twenty-five pounds will make 12 qts. Be sure to rinse your bottles out with soda.

Grape Juice

Grape Juice image

Take ripe grapes and remove the stems, boil and strain as for jelly; allow 1 lb. sugar to 1 gallon of juice and boil 5 minutes more. Seal up while hot; for a spring drink use 1/4 juice to 3/4 water.

Boston Cream, a Summer Drink

Boston Cream, a Summer Drink image

To 3 pts. water add 1 1/2 lbs. loaf sugar. Boil together and when cool, strain and add 2 ozs. of tartaric acid, 1/4 oz. of essence of lemon, and the white of 1 egg well whipped. Bottle and cork tight, taking care that a little of the egg be in each bottle. For mixing the cream---One-third tumbler of Boston cream, fill up with water, add a saltspoonful of carbonate of soda and stir well.

Koumiss, The Russian National Drink

Koumiss, The Russian National Drink image

Three qts. of fresh milk, 3 tablespoonfuls of sugar, 1 compressed yeast cake. Heat the milk to 100° Fahrenheit and keep at that temperature 4 or 5 hours or until the milk beads. Put into bottles and set in a warm place for 1/2 hour, then place on ice. It will be ready for use in a day or two. The bottles should lie on the side in the ice chest so that the cream will not stop the outflow of the Koumiss. Great care should be used in opening it.

Raspberry Vinegar

Raspberry Vinegar image

Pour 1 qt. of good cider vinegar over 2 qts. of raspberries and after covering closely, set aside for 48 hours. At the end of this time drain the liquid and pour it over 1/3 qt. of berries and set aside for another 48 hours; strain through a muslin bag and to every pint of liquor add 1 lb. sugar. Boil slowly for 5 minutes and remove the scum, let cool for
15 minutes and bottle. This makes a delicious cooling drink in summer. Add water as you like to 1/4 tumbler of the vinegar.

Raspberry Shrub

Raspberry Shrub image

Two qts. each of black and red raspberries to 1 qt. of vinegar; let stand
4 days, stirring each day, then strain. To each pint of juice add 1 lb. sugar. Boil 20 minutes and bottle for use.

Fruit Punch

Fruit Punch image

Two cups sugar, 1 cup water, 1 cup Ceylon tea, 1 pt. strawberry syrup,
1 can grated pineapple, 1/2 pt. Maraschino cherries, 1 qt. bottle Apollinaris, juice of 5 lemons, juice of 5 oranges. Make a syrup by boiling the sugar and water 10 minutes, add the tea, fruit juices, pineapple and strawberry syrup. Let stand 30 minutes, strain, add enough ice water to make a gallon. Just before serving add cherries, Apollinaris water and ice.

Depew's Oolong Lemonade

Depew's Oolong Lemonade image

One qt. water bottle 1/2 full of ice, add juice of 3 lemons, dump in a wine glass of sugar and fill with fresh hot oolong tea. This by the mingling of hot and cold stirs itself and is ready to drink while the brewer is telling a summer story. If he has a mint fancy, a spear or two of this herb may be set in the neck of the bottle for flavor and picturesqueness.

Mexican Chocolate

Mexican Chocolate image

Grate ordinary cake of chocolate very fine, sweeten as desired, boil in water and milk equally mixed, at least 5 minutes, stirring constantly. The Mexicans say that long continued slow boiling develops flavors mperceptible in chocolate which is quickly made. Separate the yolks and whites of perfectly fresh eggs, allowing 4 for every qt. Beat the yolks to a smooth cream, and the whites to a stiff froth, draw the boiler containing the chocolate to the side of the fire, where it cannot boil, and gradually pour in the yolks, stirring constantly so the yolks will be smoothly mixed through it. Just before serving stir in the beaten whites, so as to make a foaming drink. Serve with whipped cream.


Chocolate image

Three qts. milk, 1 1/2 qts. water, 3 cups sugar, 2 teaspoonfuls vanilla extract, 1 pt. whipped cream, 1 lb. chocolate. Put the chocolate in a porcelain kettle and cover with 1 pt. water. Let come to boiling point and add the sugar, stirring until it is dissolved and perfectly smooth. At the same time heat the milk and the remaining qt. of water to the boiling point in another porcelain kettle; then pour this into the chocolate and stir over
a slow fire until it has a froth on top, but do not let it boil again.
When done stir in the flavoring. Put whipped cream on top of each cup.