General Taylor's Letter
The N. O. Pycayune of the 27tli. contaiu the following letter from General Taylor to Captain Albion, his brotlier-in-law, defining more fully than he has heretofore his position in regard to the Presidency. Eatün Rouge, April 22d, 1848. Dear Sir : - My opinions have recently been so often misconceived & misrep resented, that 1 deern it due to mjself, if not lo my fiiends, to make a brief exposition of them upon the topics to which you have called my attention. 1 have consented to the use of my name as a candidato for the Presidency. 1 have frankly avowed my own distrust of my fitness for that high station ; but having at the solicitalion of many of my countrymen, taken my position as a candidaie, 1 do not feel at Iiberty to surrender that position until my friend manifest a wish that 1 should retire from it. 1 will ihen most gladly do so. 1 have my private purpose to accomplish, no party projects to build up, no enemies to punish - noth ing to lerve but my country. 1 have been very often addressed by letters, and my opinions have been asked uponalmost every question that might occur to the writers as afiecting the interests of the country or their parly. 1 have not alvvays responded to these inquiries for various reasons, 1 confess, while 1 have great cardinal principies which will regúlate my polical life, 1 atn not sufficiently familiar with the minute details of legislation to givesolemn pledgei to exert my influerice.if 1 were President to carry out this or dofcat that measure. 1 have no concealment. 1 hold no opinión which 1 would not readilv proclaim to my assembled countrvnien ; but crude impressions upon matters of policy, whicli may be right to day and wrong tomorrow, are, perhaps not tho bost test of fitness lor office. One who cannot be trusled without pledges cannot be confided in merely on account of thnm. 1 will now proceed, hower to respond to your inquires. r trst - 1 reitérate What 1 have often 8aid - 1 am a Whig, but not an ultra Whig. lf eiected 1 would not le the mere President of a party. 1 should endeavor to act independent of party domination. 1 should feel bound to administer the Government untrameled by party schemcs. Second - The veto power. The power given by the Constitution to the Executive to interpose his veto, is a high conservative power : but in my opinión should never be exercised except in clear violation of Constitution, or manifest haste and want of consideration by Congress. Indeed 1 have thought that, for matiy years past, that known opinions and wishes of the Executive have exercised undu and injurious influence upon the legislativo department of the Government ; and for thia cause I have thought our system was in daDger of undergoing a great change from its tru theory. The personal opinions of the individual who may happen tooccupy the Executive chair, ought not to control the action of Congress upon questions of domestic policy ; nor ought his objections to be interposed whers questions of constitutional power have beec setlled by the various departments ofGovern ment and acquiesced in by the people. Ikird - Upon the subject of the tariff, thecurrency, the improvement of our great highways, rivers, lakes and harbors, tho will of th people, as expressed through their representatives in Congress, ought to be respected and carned out by the Executive. Fourih - The Mexican war. I sinoerely rejoice at the prospect of peace. Mr lifa liaa been devoled to arms, yet I look upon war at all times and under all circumstances as a national ealamity, to be avoided if compatible with natiotial honor. The principies of our Government as we!l as its true policv are opposed to the subjugation of other nation anj the dismemberment of other countries bv conquest. In the language of the great Washington, " Why should we quit our own to stand on foreign ground I" In the Mexican war our national honor has been vindicated, and in dictating termsof peaco we may well afford to be forbearing and even magnanimous to our fallen foe. These are my opinions upon thesubjects referred to by you ; and reports or publications, written or verbal, from anv source, differing in any essential particular from vvhat is hera writtep, are unauthorized and untrue. I do not know that 1 shall again write upon the subject of national po liles. 1 shall engage in no schemes, no coinbinations, no intrigues, lf the American people have not confïdence in ma they ought not to give me their suffrages. lf they do not, you know me well enough to believe me when 1 declare 1 shall be content. 1 am too oÃd a soldier to murraur againtt such liigh authority. Z. TÃYLOR. To Capt. J. S. Allison. EjWashington correspondents of the Baltimore Patriot :- " Mr Hale, although an abolitionist, haa made himself decidedly popularas a member of Congress, not only with the members generally, but with the lookers on ! He is quita a lion in Washington, and throws his more experienced, stiff, sédate, aristocratie colleague, Atlierlon, completely in the shade. Of the two men, every body says Mr. Halo is tho democrat, the friend of the many, and Atherton the arisiocrat, the friend of the few." L-d" A large fire occurred in Philadelphia last night in Hostell and Davis timber yard. - low iT 4i!rp. lO,V)0 irnirÃd. [J4vr 11 1