Mr. Giddings' Position

- A dent oà the (Cleveland, O.) True Democra', writing froin Painesville, gives an account of a political meeting at that place, which was addressed by Mr. Giddings. The writer says: " Mr. G. has lost nearly all his party feelngs. If the whigs do not go against the extensión of Slavery, and against men who are in favor of Slavery, then he and the Whigs must separate. He goes with any party which holds the high and holy principie of human liberty to be paramount to all others. Good men vvill never f'ollow party into such absurdilies as many partizans adopt. He referred to his vote" for Speaker. He said there were reasons besides those which have been puhluhed, which influcnced his vote against Robert C. Winthrop. He said he was satisfied, (though he had not yet obtained that kind of proof necessary to make it bear upon the world,) that a bargain had been made belween the South and Winthrop that he should support Taylor for President, and should receive the Speakership in return. - Show me a man, said he, that aspires to high office in Conüress, and I will show you a man who has sold the North to the South, so fajas he can do it. He defined the duty of Christian churches and ministers of the Gospel in the North, in relation to Slavery. He asserted, most positively, that he will never again vote for any man who will not take the side of human liberty." A voice - " Not excepting Henry Clay 1" Mr, G. - " Not excepting any man."