Whigs And General Taylor

Nü party, or set of men, can be placed in a more humiliating position than the Whigs are by llie nomination of General Taylor. They as'timed the position in '44thatthey were Ote Anti-Slavery party ; exhorting Liberty raen and all opposers to Slavery, to assist n electing their candidate for the Presidency ; assert ing that this was the last time they would vote for, or invite others to support, a slaveholder. Now thoy have only this alterr.ative, to sacrifice their party preferenccs, or submit to the slave power and slaveholding influence. Notwithstanding the professed opposition of the Whig party to the war, and tho extensión of slave territory, the Soutliern división of the party has trampled upon every privilege of the North, Ly nominating a man who has nought but bis military acquirements to recommend hita to the people. We think thc eñbrt of those presses in his favor, to attempt to prove his Uindness and humanity,and palm offsuchfrothy panegyrics upon an intelligent community, is utterlj contemptible, while the well knovÃ'n fact is before the people, that he holds two hundred and eighty human beings in bondage - human chattels - who, in the coming election, j vvill give him the influence of one hundred and sixty-eight votes n the representation ; and should he make the inrestment which he designs, and has authorized his Aid, Major Rliss, to make, he will considerably increase that influence. It appears from the statement below, from the National Iteformer, (and we have seen several corroborating it,) that General Taylor has been the first to avail himself of a portion of that beautif'ul región of the Rio Grande, for a cotton and sugar planUtion, which Ye means to enrich with the tears, and blood, and sweat of the slave. Are freemen prepared to elévate such a man to the first office in the nation ? " It is well Known to most of our readers, that General Taylor has purchased a large plantation in tlie cotton and sugar growing region of the Rio Grande, and, as a matter of course wishes to demónstrate to the world the happifying result of extending slavery upon the Rio Grande. It is also well Known that one of the oÃd General's particular pets, who is his " Aid," is also liis Secretary A short lime since this Majo? Bliss arrived at Washington, on business of importanco for bis rnaster, before returning North. The morning after his arrival there, the following adverlisement appeared In the daily papers of that city: - '' 1 fl iinn T0 $15'001? forinvestmentin Slavék - JLUjUUU Boys and giils would be preferred; but to avoid nparation, families will be taken. Proposuls u-o iuvited by letter, addreeaed to A. B., Washington city postii"c paid, at auy time between thiaand the first ofJuly."
Old News
Michigan Liberty Press
Zachary Taylor
A.B. Washington