Washington, June 2-1, 1848. Sknate. The Yice President laid bcfore tJie Senate Communications from ihc Treasury Department in relation to tlie claims made by Father Mediore to cluirch lands in St. Augustinc, Flor'. da, and also in relation to the cus(om-house at Charleston, South Carolina. Mr. Johnson, of Louisiana, from tlie Comrnittee on Pensions, made adverse reports on nétilion of Levi Wells and of Mary Francés Foote. Mr. Downs made au adverse report on the memorial of the Onondaea and Cayuga Indians The resolution of' Mr. HÃi'.e, i nstr the Omimittee on the District of Columbia to bring in a bÃ!l abolishing slavcry in said District, rame up in its order. The qnestion was taken by veas and nays, without debato, decided in the negütive- yeas 6, nays 3G - as iuüows : Yeas- Messrs. Clarke, Corwin, Davis, of MaÃsachusctts, Hale, Miller, and Upham- 6. Xays Messrs. Allen, Atchison, Alherlon, Be'll.Benton, Borland, Brudbury, Bréese, Bright, Butler Calhoun, Davis of Mississippi.Dickmson, Dix, Douglas, Dodge, Downs, Felch, FitzgeralJ, Foote, HamKn, Houston, Ilunter, Johnson oï Marvlaud, Johnson of Louisiana, Jolinson of Georgia, Lewis, Mangum, Mason, Niles, Rusk, Spruance, Sturgeon. Turney, Lnderwood, Westcott, and Yulee- 36. Tho Senate then took up the private calendar, and disposed of son. a scven or eight bilis. The Senate then adjourned. Hoitse. In the House, soüie time wasspent Ãn personal explanations on the part of Mr. Hunt and Mr. Cobb, of Georgia; and the rernainder of the session was occupied wilh debate upon Mr. BowHn'i molion to reconsiJcr the vote by which the House concurred in the Senatu bill entitled " Ai) act tot the relief of the administratorof the estáte of Joseph Nourse deceased ;" which motion was finally rejected - yeas 83, nays 73. Skn.vte June 26. On motion of Mr. Benton, the Senate proceeded to ascertain, i;i the usual manner, the respective terms of the Sen ators from Wisconsin. Mr. Walker drew number one, and liis term of servive will expire on the 4th of March, 1819. Mr. Dodge drew number two, and his term of service will expire on the 4th of March, 1851. Mr. Borland, from the Committee on Pubiic Lands, reported a joint, resolution to authorize the constructton of a railroad from Lake Michigan to the Pacifie, ou the plan of Asa Whitney. Ou motion of Mr. Bright, thft Senate then resumed tho consideraron of the Oregon Territorial bil!, anc) tiie. amendments proposed at tho close of FrÃday's session were read. Mr. Dix addi-esod the Senate at length, on the twelfth section of the bill, and on the Ordinance of 1787, taking the same view'9 in reference to the q'ieslions involved as are contaiied in the letter of Mr. Van Buren to the Utica Convention. He examined all the preeedents bearing on the subject, since the forrnation of the Government, nnd was üslenec1 to with great atlention by a full Senate, a mimber of the other House, and by a large 'itiiry. OP J , MÃd at Rochester, that when the CasJ ,sion at Albany approachâ fcd thu poirtt whera hu waj standing, be thought :e would â ike nut his watch lo seo how long .. , be ie passing, but it went by before he cernid get it out.
United States Congress
Old News
Michigan Liberty Press
Henry Johnson
Levi Wells
Mary Frances Foote
Solomon W. Downs
John P. Hale
John H. Clarke
Thomas Corwin
John Davis
Jacob W. Miller
William Upham
William Allen
David R. Atchison
Charles G. Atherton
Thomas H. Benton
Solon Borland
James W. Bradbury
Sidney Breese
Jesse D. Bright
Andrew Butler
John C. Calhoun
Jefferson Davis
Daniel S. Dickinson
John A. Dix
Stephen A. Douglas
Henry Dodge
Alpheus Felch
Thomas FitzGerald
Henry S. Foote
Hannibal Hamlin
Sam Houston
Robert M. T. Hunter
Reverdy Johnson
Herschel V. Johnson
Dixon H. Lewis
Willie P. Mangum
James M. Mason
John M. Niles
Thomas J. Rusk
Presley Spruance
Daniel Sturgeon
Hopkins L. Turney
Joseph R. Underwood
James D. Westcott
David Levy Yulee
Washington Hunt
Howell Cobb
James B. Bowlin
Joseph Nourse
Martin Van Buren
John Van Buren
Lewis Cass