Groans Of The Wounded
Father Ritchie's Palace oran refuscs to bü comforted f'or the siimmary exacutiori dcnoon tho slavery Compromiso in tho House. Haar hiin ! "WlIO KILLE THE CoMPROMISE 1 - The m â ifion to lay the Compromise bil] apon lbo tiiliic - in olher wnrds, to destroy t - enne frorn a SoiÃ'.liÃM-n Wbjg - Strplions of ü-eorüi. Let hi.m liavc the credit of t!ie act No Sojitheen man; -no fripn? of Compromise, no jViciid of tno Union wijl e.iivy lurii tito mÃfecrabfe distinolion. Without even payitiu thé bilÃ, ttrWali lias occ.jpiod so much of the time and talents óf tlie Senaio, llio cornpümont of dis cussing half au lioui', In: ruahes at once iin'in itt dcstruciion. The oppoi-i iiniiy ijf nmendng, and modifying it, or giving anv pno v,-ii') values the trauquiilty of ihe LJnion the siighlcst chance of nlacin it n a form whish niight prevail was ent o(T by tliis Southern Whig, who moved to Ifiy it nn the rabfe ; nï i hosucceeded. Seven other Roiiil;orn Wl joined him in tho unholy office; and tl votes havo defeatea a bilà whioh so ranny per sons considerad ossrnliil to tho iranquility, and perhaps tiic sthbility ofour Union'i Be ! lioir's the fcarfnl responsibility - their's tho odium of tho art, "Wliy this bill was lniJ on the one knows, eXcept by conjectum. No rcasons were inven, nor could b:j given under iho pac:, that was pertinaciously pluced npon the ips rf rI 1 ; and tilus the labor of weeks, the chlld lorn in dofr-days öfter thegonies of a dog niifht in the Siüiatp, wa ; til I niün for and againtt Mr. VVilmoÃ's Proviso and Mr Clayton's masierly inaetivky poiicv, from thebanks of he Pwriobsoot to ihe shores of iho Liltle Pedee. He proceeds to show thnt if tbc eight Soiitlici'j) Whkgi who votod to lay on llio tabla noel voted tho other way, the inotion would have boi.!i defeaird hy ono vote, atid thul èb'n(innea hia lawentatii "The absentoea bèing wjrwl in numbor. il is fair to pie I tiiey paircJ off. TIn-u, how stands the Basa i Vv'hy, ihe Compromiso, ! v!iir:h wou ld have gttled tlio graai Southeru quection f'or ever, was killed byt he Soutliern Wliiga ! We rc)eat, let the responsibility rest. whera it be'.ong.s. fjcu ilio South know wlio t was tluit a gr eed with Mr. Wilmot and Mr. Cüddinga. Let the agitators of Lilis terrible question liOWare hou' tbey tnüe with it. ii i[i;iv,[)i'i"c!]itii't',iii!v;iii:c' a solitary man ; bilt in tin: end, it wi',1 dcsti.v a iiiullitudiï. "We know not what â eVeol i arö to take dnnng ilie rest oftlie evasión, !Ãci wiil )])ljally ex)ii'(', nmler the timeudud resolu-1 tinn ol'ilio Señale A' yosterday, on tin; 14tli i oÃ' August, (next Monday fotngight-) ïho Oregfon bil! s yet. bofbro the House. Wlien :t reache the Senaie, t !i. -y may make anotherj effyrt to ameiid it, und sciil; iliis agitUtingi (juesiion. If it. is rot, seilJed, par skiiti are clear of tlie mischicf it may produce. We havo a nèw element, cf mischiet thrown intn tlie a' canvass. C!en. Taylor wili probafily be atlacked", perluips substatitinlly suporcinled ; lic Bgitators wi!t lie enöouréged to take tlie lead in the Bffilo convontton, to nÃ'mci- Martin Van Burén intn tlio field the shoulders o' a Northeni pa'rty, and at all e vents, an niFort made to seAd the alection into tho House. The sgifaiioil of' tlie bülows will e, iuul it will becotne every dny more and more difHcnk to arrest tlie storm, and to scutle it here;if'ii't 111 a harrnonious manrier, - Partios will becoine more irrayed . cacii ether on geogrSphical lino;and all thw,becae snmc Southern Whigi hnve imited witli the Nortliein Whigd in the Hoi9e and the Barnburners, to del'eat the Ri' ('andidate, and promote(a9 those Southern Whigs think,) tlje e!.cction of General Taylór. "Upon this snbject-we have to stnfe.that a decidcd Wliigjrom Masrswhusetts declarad yesteday, if tJds ..ompromite hiü passed, General Tuyliir tconUl ni git a vo'e in 'af ree state' ainl for this object, the compronuse is to be smothered, and the Union peiiled." Blessed le the stars f it ljpgins io bc serieus]y considerad at Washington, whetlier Thb I Nortii will stand iliis or tliat measiire ! - ; Nonhern feeKngs, Northüi-n imerests, Nortti ern conscicncos, have come to bo tlio elementa ', in political calculatiqn. Lot us give thatiks and tako courage. [New Vork Tribune.]