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DR. HARTMAN ON CATARRAH. The Fallacy of Catarrh Cures. The fatal mistake which so ma'ny physicians, of all schools, naake in the treatment of catarrh is, that it is rearded as a local disease and not a sy stem ie disease. If the patiënt has catarrh of the nose or throat. sprays and gargles are used; if thf catarrh is in the larynx or bronchial tubes, inhálente are used; i f the catarrh is in the stomach, medicine is swallowed; if the catarrh is in the bladder or urethra, injections are resorted to; hoping in each case to cure this diease by applying the medicine to the exact spot wlïere the disease is located. While it is a fact that sprays, inhalenls, gargles and injections are often helpful in the treatment of a case of catarrh, they can never accomphsh a cure. Catarrh is a disease of the system, which manifests itself in some mucous membrane, oftenest of the nose, throat, bronchial tubes or lungs, but frequently of the stomach and bowels, and aeain of the urinary and sexual organs. A persistent use of Pe-ru-na according to the directions on the bottle will remove the catarrhal taint from the system, afler which the dise.'.sed part, wherever located, will soon recover. That this is the correct theory ofthe treatment of catarrh is amply proven by the multitude of testimr nials that are constanily pouring in from all parfs ofthe country. Catarrh in all stages and varieties, colds, coughs, bronchitis, la grippe, catarrhal dyspepsia, all yield, surely and perma nently, to the curative virtues of Peru-na. John B. Rislev, of Merrimac, Wis., writes, July 3, 1889: "I received in December last one of Dr. Hartman'.s 'Treatise on Catarrh,' and after a careful perusal of it I concluded to give his remedy a trial, as I was afilicted with nasal catarrh. I did so and gained eleven pounds in weitht the flrst month, with a steady increase in health and vigor that has been permanent so far, witli hut very little symptom ofcatarrh left. His remedies are the only ones I have ever found able to give me any relief." The foUowing cases need no comment, save that each one was cured by taking Pe-ru-na simply, without any local treatment whatevér: Flint, Mich., March 2, 1891. Davison, Mich. - My wife has suflered with catarrh and chronic headache. One bottle of Pe-ru-na was a great relief, but three bottles has cured her so that she does her own work without any trouble. T. W. Gridley. Flint City, Mich. - I had a very hard cold; could hardly speak; also la grippe. Took one bottle of Dr. Hartman's Pe-ru-na and put in one-haif pouud of rock candy and found almost immediate relief, and waswell inside of one week. Melissa Kkene. Goodrich, Mich - Am taking Dr. Hartman's remedy for chronic catarrh and rheumatism.and find it helping me more than anything I ever tried. Mrs. Mary A. Skelby. Sülphur Springs, Tex., Feb. 16, 1891. Peruna Medicine Co.- Sirs: I have used in my fatnily - first for my wife in luns trouble. She has been greatly benefited; has passed over the winter, so far, with a great deal less trouble than for years. I have, also, found it of great benefit in two cases of la grippe in my lamily. I have found great benefit myself in kidney trouble, and think a bottle or two more will set me all right. Rev. J. C. Randall. SuLPHURSPRiNQS,Tex.,Feb. 18, 1891. I hereby certify that I was cnred of a very severe cough by one bottle of Peru-na after having used two prescriptions from my family physician and one other cough remedy to no advantage. E. R. McKinney. Wynjje, Ark., July 20, 1889. Dr. ;S. B Hartman, Columbus, O.- Dear Sir: My wife having auflered for twelve months with what the best medical skill in the country called "Bronchitis," 'nd, firiding no relief, I purchased two boules of Pe-rnna, and now hhci i. nearly cured. James W. Halk. Independenck, Mo., Aug. 2, 1890. The Peruna Medicine Cu.- Gentlemen.- I had been nfflictpd for fourteen ye.Mrs with nervtfue dp.bility and chfonïc catarrh. I had tried Miree ofourbest physiciar8, bnt failed fo get. any relief I huve f)ken ñvo bottltw of Pe rn-na in counection with Man a lin, atid fecl e"" tirely wcll, bnt intend to kpoi tnking it forawhile. I kuüiV tbat Pa-ra-tia has saved uiy life. Vour.s respect fnlly, Miw Dicy A. Lf.ivis. It is needlee to ai tempt to give only tlu vaj.'iiwr. mitline of tlie wonderfal snccesti whicli Pe-ru-na has met. with in the cure of catarrh. This suecess i.-i enti rel v (ine to the factthatPe rn-na eradioitrs t h tiiaease (roni the system in 8tt-al of leinporaríly relieving soma dis ayreeable symptom. A valuable treatise on catarrh by Dr. Hartman tent. free to any address by The Peruna Medicine Company, Colnmbns. O.