J. C. Rause visited Saline, Tues day. Mr. C. M. Fuller visited Brightou Saturday. F. Leonard is entertaining a guest f rom abroad. Mr. Sweet, of Toledo, gave Milan a cali Tuesday. O. A. Kelly and wife visited Ann Arbor, Tuesday. Born, March 2ist, a son, to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gump. Mrs. Josiah Dexter is entertaining guests frora the country. Dolly Smith, of County street, is very ill with diphtheria. Alva Dexter has purchased the mili business of Ed. Easterly. Mr. and Mrs. Wilber left for their home at Quincy, Friday. Mrs. and Mrs. C. M. Fuller are visiting relatives in Ann Arbor. Mrs. McCormick, of Au Sable, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Van Wormer. Easter will be observed at each of the churches in a very appropriate manner Sunday evening. Easter will be observed at each of the churches in a very appropriate manner Sunday evening. The Baptist sugar social is expected to be the sweetest event of the season, Wednesday evening, at the Babcock house. Music in the air. What a fine thing it is to receive a serenade in the quiet of the evening. We thought so Monday evening. Please receive the thanks of the County street listeners. Married, Hill-Putman, at the residence of the bride's mother, March 22(1, by the Rev. Jay Huntington, Frank Hill and Miss Alice Putman, both of Milan. The happy couple left for Alma, Tuesday evening.