The people at the World's Dispensary of Buffalo, N. Y., have a stock-taking time once a year and what do you think they do ? Count the number of bottles that've been returned by the men and women who say that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery or Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription didn't do what they said it would do. And how many do you think they have to count. One in ten ? Not one in Jive hundred f Here are two remedies - one the Golden Medical Discovery, for regulating and invigorating the liver and purifying the blood ; the other, the hope of weakly womanhoöd, and they've been sold for years, sold by the million bottles ; sold under a positive guarantee, and not one in five hundred can say : "It was not the medicine for me!" And - is there any reason why you should be the one ? And - supposing you are what do you lose ? Absolutely Twthing f T AWW! ín Michigan Ü&iUÚ ForSale. 300 Aerea four and one-balf miles from üvid. Clinton Co., known as the Scott Farm. 243 '4 Aoreí near Qnincy, Branch Co., known as the Berry Farm. 151 Acres near Marlette. Banilac Co., known as the Murray Farm. 11 Acres in the Village of Vernon, Shiawassoe Co. 40 Acres in the Township of Fairöeld, Shiawassee Co., known as the Lattinier Farm. 80 Acres near Olivet, Eaton Co., known as the Dowler Farm. 80 Acres flear Midland, Midland Co., known as the Foster Farm. 80 Acres near Lcutz, Saginaw Co., known as the Cobb Farm. 89 Acres near Thornton, St. Clair Co., known as tho Hilliker Farm. 120 Acres near Adranee, Charlevoix Co. known as the Hayes Farm. 8O Acres Ih Montcalin Co., four miles l'rom Riverdale, known as the Fisk Farm. 2O Acres In the City of Niles, Berrieu Co. -Also timbered and unimproved lands Ín Tuscola, Sanilac, Hurón, Monroe, Ottawa, Muskegon, Osceola, Koseommon, Montmoreney, Alpena, Grand Traversn, Kalkaska, Cheboygan, Maekinac, Iienzie, Missaukee, Isabella, Wexford, Gratiot avd Saginaw Counties. For par ticulars apply to ALLAN SHELDEI & CO. DETROIT, MICH. EEPOET OF THE OOTOITION OF THE IMS' & MUS' M - AT- ASÍN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, ai the close of business, Octobeb 2nd, 1890. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $21i,ÏC3 38 Stocks, honda, mortgages, etc 75 881 16 Overdrafts 2,073 s Dne from banks n reserve citics 25,979 Í3 Due from Washlenuw Co 17.5J5 fil Blls in Ir.inpii 2,918 75 Furniture and flxtures. 3,000 00 Ourrent expenses and taxes paid 951 52 Interest paid 1,190 26 Ohecks and cash items 62519 Nickels and pennies 160 Oy Gold 6,588 4S SiWer 1,247 U. S. and National Bank notes 18,133 00 Total $36S,917 97 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 5n,000 00 Surplus fund 10,000 60 Uudivided prottts _ 6,048 20 Commercial dep )sit _ _. 257,224 17 Savings deposits 4J.797 86 Due to banks and bunker 847 74 Total $368,917 97 STATE OF MICHIGAN, ) Oounly of Vashtenaw. (bsI, Frederick .11. Beker, Cashier of the above n:unfctl bank, do aolemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledee and belief. F. H. Bei-sek, Oasbier, Subscribed and sworn to hefore me thiseleventh day of October, 1890. ff. W. Whedon, Notarv Public. Correct- Attest : Chas. E. Greene,) Jünics E. Beal, Directors. Keuben Kempf, J MANHOOD RESTORED. fi y Wonderful ipanlsh fe S 9 1 WrittenGuarantee ƒ JLj JCT to cure flH Nervous ÏHsIejÉS BCgy Memory. Loes of Ilralu JafSJL Wakeful'ness, Lost Manjfffl2pfi0fíZ%ffl hood, Ncrvousneas, Laan4-n b. k1 ii Bitude, all dralos and Beforeóc After Use. ïoss of power of the Photographed from Ilfe. Gener?.t've Organs, In i-imJ elther aex, cawpftd by over-Exertion, youthful Indeecretlons, or the excesslve ose of tobáceo, opium, or stlmulants, whlch ultlmately lead to Inürmlty, Consumption and Insaulty. Put up In convenleut form to carrv In the vest pocket. Prlce 91 a package, or 6 for 5. With every $5 order we give a w ritten fcuarantee to cure or refund the moncy. Sent by mail to any address. Circular f ree. Mcutlon this paper. Address, MADRID CHEMICAL CO., Branch Office for U. S. A. 417 IVTlwn Street, CHTCïaGO TT.T,. FOK SALE IN ANXARBOR, MICH., BT Mano Bros., Drurclsts, S9 South Main St J. J. Goodyear's Drug atore. No. 5 South Main St. -w:m:, herz, ' NO. 4 W. WASHINGTON ST. House, Sign, Onamenal and Fresco Paihter, gilding, calclmining, glazinp and paper hanging. All work is done in the best style and warranted to give satisfaction. ■ M rt KI i"#nbfrnidntoorF.Wllnofwtk, IIILV"1'''11' "ld ""iKirably, by tl,„„, of llfl I I ownlocalltCB,wlierevrlli(ylve. Any ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ One can dü llie work. EñBV to lern. We fumlih erytli!nir. We lUlt you. No rítk. You can devol yoor pr niomouis, or 11 yoor tlmf (o the work. ThU la an ntlrely niw lad,and l)rine wonjorful lucceaa lo erery inrr. rrlnrif r. are caminí; from ÏS lo iO pr nt and opnardl, nd more after allulo axperienc W. ca hirnllh jou Ih. mtloyment and leach yo f WW. No .pace lo nial. ban. Pul bfenutlea FBK. TltVB fc Co., AtÖB!, Mil.
Ann Arbor Argus
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