![Willis image](/sites/default/files/aa_argus/aa_argus_18910403-p02-03.jpg)
Ed. Raymond has hired óut to Geo. Smith for the summer. John Wortley and wife, of Ehvell district, have gone to Wisconsin to visit Mr. Wortley's mother. The Adventists will commence their dedication services on Friday night, April 3, and continue until Sunday. W. A. Anderson's little son, aged three days, died March 24th. Frank Towler, of Whittaker, also lost a little child about two years old with measles. Will Gotts has sold his farm of 42 acres on section 18 of Sumpter, to Jacob Breining for gi.ooo. He will move to Detroit shortly, to work in the Peninsular Stove works. The sale was held at Ed. Jackson's last Friday, iotwithstarwling the stormy weather, and everything sold for about all it was worth. Mr. Jackson will move to Ypsilanti soon. Wm. Coats, who has lived for the past two years at Portland, has moved back to his farm on section 30 of Van Buren. Robert Rust, his tenant, has moved back to his farm in Sumpter. Died, in Van Buren, March 27U1, Francés, wife of L. R. Brown, aged 61 years. She has been sickly for many years, but has attended to her household duties until a few weeks ago. She leaves a husband and two children, a son and daughter. The funeral services were held at the house on Sunday at 1 o'clock, and conducted by Rev. E. E. Leiand.