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Mayor W. G. Doty

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The election yesterday was the closest in the history of the city. By a trick of the republicans many democrats were induced to vote the citizens' ticket, which in nearly all the wards was simply the straight republican ticket. The only democrats indorsed were ward candidates who were known to be sure of election. In the doubtful or repubiican wards only republicans were indorsed. The prohibitionists also turned in and worked the republican ticket. A large organized gang of workers turned out for Allmendinger and worked with a vim early and late. In spite of all this, William G. Doty was elected mayor by one plurality. A dispute aróse in the second ward polls and if it had been otherwise decided the majority for Doty would have been nine. E. B. Pond, a democrat of the old school, was on the citizens' and re" publican tickets, but was not indorsed by the democratie convention. Many democrats, however, voted for him and he had 199 majority. The rest of the democratie city ticket was elected. Patrick O'Hearn for assessor was re-elected without opposition. The vote on mayor was as follows: Doty. Allmendinger. First ward 163 260 Second ward 233 125 Third ward 184 164 Fourth ward 167 121 Fifth ward 102 71 Sixthward 71 178 Total 920 919 Doty's plurality, 1. The vote on president of the council stands: Cooley. Spokes. First Ward 185 232 Second Ward 259 98 Third Ward 174 172 Fourth Ward 183 100 FifthWard 95 79 Sixth Ward 119 118 Total 1015 799 Cooley's majority, 216. Miller's majority for clerk is 35. The vote by wards is as follows: Miller. O'Keefe. First Ward 173 247 SecondWard 243 114 Third Ward 193 174 Fourth Ward 147 139 Fifth Ward 93 81 Sixth Ward 99 138 Total 928 893 Miller's pluralty, 35. The vote on justice of the peace was: Kline. Pond. First Ward 121 292 SecondWard 151 194 Third Ward 211 131 Fourth. Ward 165 120 Fifth Ward 98 73 Sixth Ward 52 188 Total 798 998 Pond's plurality, 200. The democrats carried the city on the state ticket by a good sized majority. Judge Champlin's majority, with the fifth ward to hear from, is 234Champ- Montlin. gomery. First ward 186 203 Second ward .... 239 79 Third ward 190 139 Fourth ward. .. . . 182 97 Sixthward 89 134 886 652 Regent Clark's majority is the largest in the city. His majority is 334THE COUNCIL. The next council will stand seven democrats and six republicans or citizens, whichever they may cali themselves. The election of aldermen yesterday resulted as follows: First ward: Levi D. Wines, R. & C. 246 - 74 John V. Sheehan, D... 172 Second ward: Christian Martin, D 277 Third ward, long term. Ariel H. Fillmore, R. & C. 167- 1 William G. Snow, D 166 Short term : Geo.D.AllmendingerR.&C. 172-5 William Clancy, jr., D 167 Fourth ward: A. P. Ferguson, R. &C... 143-26 Daniel J. Ross, D 117 Fifth ward. Ernest Rehberg, D. . .3 majority. Sixth Ward. Arthur Kitson, R. & C, 163-81. W. D. Harriman, D 82 SUPERVISORS. The republicans gain one supervisor in the fifth ward. John R. Miner, R. & C. has n8majority in the first ward, Eugene Oesterlin, D., has 72 in the second, James Kearns, D.,has 58 in the third ward, John Baumgardner, D., has 64 majority in the fourth, Thomas Speechly, R. & C, has 34 majority in the fifth ward and John W. Bennett, R. & C, has 104 majority in the sixth ward. " NOTes. Kitson, who carried the sixth ward for alderman, is not a citizen, not having taken out his second papers. At the second ward polls when thg votes in the city boxwere counted, they were eight short of the tally sheet. In the state box were found eight republican city tickets and two democratie city tickets. The eight republican tickets were counted and the two democratie tickets thrown out. When the amendment box was , opened two or three democratie city ( tickets were found there and destroyed. The legal question raised is this: Under the general election iaw of the last legislature, the 'excess of ballots are destroyed. Under the Iaw previous to that, the ballots were put together and the excess drawn out and destroyed. The board chose to proceed under the new Iaw. The attorney-general of the state recently decided that this new Iaw did not apply to municipal elections. The tickets were not printed according to the new election Iaw, but under the old Iaw. The city attorney, last night, gave the board his opinión that either the excess of ballots should be drawn out or all the ballots found in the wrong box destroyed, as counting the ballots in all the boxes permitted a man to vote two city tickets, instead of a city ticket and a state ticket.