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Takes iooo people to buy Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, at 50 cents a bottle, to malee up S500. One failure to cure would take the profit from 4000 sales. lts makers profess to cure " cold in the head," and even chronic catarrh, and if they fail they pay $500 for their over-confidence, - Not in newspaper words but in hard cash Think of what confidence it takes to put that in the papers - and mean it. lts makers believe in the Remedy. Isn't it worth a trial ? Isn't any trial preferable to catarrh ? After all, the mild agencies are the best. Perhaps they work more slowly, but they work surely. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are an active agency but quiet and mild. They're sugar-coated, easy to take, never shock nor derange the system and half their power is in the mild way in which their work is done, v Smallest, cheapest, easiest to take. One a dose. Twenty-five cents a vial. Of all druggists. REPORT OP THE OONDITION OF THE Ml' MEOHANICS' BANK - AT- AKiN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, at the close of business, October 2nd, 1890. KESOURCES. Ixans and discounts $21Ï,"OS 38 Stocks, hond, tnortgages, etc 75, 81 IS Overdrafta 2,073 2j Dae fiom banks in reserve cilies 25,979 3 Due from WashteuawCo 17,5 5 51 BMlsin tr..niit 2,918 7S Furniture andflxtures 3,000 00 Current expenses and taxes paid 951 fl2 Interest paid 1,190 26 Checks and cash items _ 625 19 Nickels and pennies 160 Oy Gold 6,538 45 Silrer 1,257 46 ü. S. and Nati.mal Bank notes 18,133 00 Total $368,917 97 LIAHILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ fot000 PO Surplusfund 10,000 60 Uudivided protits ,048 20 Commercial dep tsit 257,224 17 Savings deposita 41,79" 86 Due to banka and bankers 84ï 74 Total $368,917 97 STATE OP MICHIGAN, ) „ Couuly of Vashtenaw. BS' I, Frtderick H. Relser, Cashier of the above nanml bank, do Rolemnly swear that the above atatcment is true to tne best of my knowledge and belief. F. H. Belser, Oashier. Sllbscribed and sworn to before me thiseleventh day of October, 1890, Wm. W. Whedok, Notary Public, i Correct- Attest : Chas. E. Greene,) Jüniüs E. Beal, J-Directors. Reuben Kempf, ) EBERBAGH & SON. DBÜGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS, No. 12 South Main Street DEALERS IN Drugs, M edicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuiïs. Artist's and Wax Flower Materials Toilet Articles, Trusses, Etc. FDRB WIEU UQUIHtü Special attention p:iid to tne furnishini? of Physidans, Chemists, Schools, etc, with philosophical auid Chemical Aparatus, Bohemian Chemical Glass ware, Porcelain Ware, P.-re Reagents, etc. Physicians' Prescripüons Carefullv Prepared a' AH hours. $ n(JS& Jol W. L. DOUCLAS ák % É B i B- and other speclal3J üHUt ties for Gentlemen, t" ■ ■ " m Ladies,etc.,arewarranted, aml so staniped ou lottom. Address W.L,. UOVtil.AS, Hrockron, Ñau. Soldby WM. REINHARDT &, CO $500RÉVVARD Wiil be paid to the agent of any scale company who will say over his own name as agent, that tne Jonks i TON WAGON SCALE, $60, is nor -qual to any made, and a standard rcliable scaie. For particular! kddress only Jones of Bingbamton, Binghamton, H.Y. ■ J E. I ■■ cn be . ;irn.-.1 I our K" Une oFwork, ■ 1 I Al I U r.,,i,lly n„(t lionor.blï, hj thora of ■ UI I 1 IU ■■ W ehhrnei, young or i.i.l, and in hrir I own localitloB.wlierever ilicy tive. Anr ■ ■ ■ ' ■ ■ i ■ one can do the work. Kaay to Iparn. We farnnh everjthini;. We uart you. No rlk. Yoa can devol yonr apare momenis, or all your time to the work. Thil ia an -■ntirely ncw lead.and t,ringa wondertul nucceas to overy worker. Birlnnera are earning from 25 to 5 er week nd upwarda, nd mon ater a l.ttle eiperionce. We can furniíh jou lh tn. bloymont and teach vou KUSK. No apace lo eiplaln her. Fn Woiiualioa CU. XJKÜE & CO., AtfllBTl, AIKB.