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Georgê Roehm has been given a pension. Frank M. Harlow is building a $3,000 house in Ypsilanti. Work has been commenced on the new South Lyon flouring mili. The Wolverine cycle club give a hop in the rink to-morrow evening. The county board of canvassers are in session at the court house today. Only eighty-one votes were cast for the state ticket in Freedom this year. Mrs. Robert Smith died in Manchester, on Monday of last week, of cáncer. Martin Merkei has purchased the Hathaway .farm near 'Chelsea, 123 acres, for $4,900. Rev. Mr. Leeland, formerly of Petoskey, is now pastor of the Salem Baptist church. Justice Bogardus, of Ypsilanti, sent three tramps to jail last week. They may try the stone yard. We greatly desire a Manchester correspondent. Which one of our readers will suggest one to us. Manchester lodge, F. & A. M., are making extensive preparations for a social, next Friday evening. M. C. LeBeau has been appointed state agent for the National Life Insurance Company of Vermont. Jacob Aprill and Miss Caroline Staebler were married in Scio, last Thursday. There were 300 wedding guests. The gold watch of P. H. Scully, which was rafBed Monday evening, was drawn by F. M. Gowdy, a senior medical student. The Adventists dedicated theii church in Willis, Sunday before last, at which time $76 was contributed by the congregation. Mrs. P. F. McNair, of Mattoon, Hl., died last Saturday at the residence of her mother on Packard street, aged twenty-five years. At a recent teachers' examination in an adjoining county only seventeen out of the forty-two applicants examined received certificates. Cards are out announcing the marriage of James Barker, a former Ann Arbor resident, to Miss Grace Minnis, of Jackson, Thursday evening. For twenty-one years John G. Hoover has been a trustee of the Baptist church, in Chelsea. Having served out his majority, he has just been re-elected. The Harugari Mannerchor has elected John Mayer, president; Christian Lutz, secretary; Gottfried Gockenbach, treasurer, and William Vogel, steward. Levi Quackenbush died in Salem April 3, aged 67 years. He was born in New York and carne to Michigan when eleven years old. He leaves a wife to whom he had been married 44 years, three sons and two daughters. Mrs. Paulina Bortle died at Centerville, Mich., April 6th, aged 81 years. She was for many years a resident of Saline, where her son and daughter now live. Mrs. L. L. Warner died near Mason, March 31, aged 53 years. For some years she resided in Lima and was the mother of thirteen children. twelve of whom survive her. Mrs. Sarah Coe died in Ypsilanti last VVednesday, aged 86 years. The funeral services were held Saturday afternoon. Three of her sons, Henry, George and Albert Coe reside in York. Mrs. Patrick O'Neal, formerly of Ann Arbor, died of typhoid pneumonía in Detroit, last Thursday. The funeral servies were held in Detroit, and the remains were brought to this city. Great preparations are being made for the Children's Kirmess at the opera house, April 25, under the direction of Prof. Ross Granger. About sixty children will particípate in the exercises, and they are having daily retiearsals. Dr. Nancrede, Dr. Palmer, of Chelsea, and Dr. Williams, last Thursday trephined the skull of Hiram Barton, of near Stockbridge, whose skull was crushed by a limb of a tree falling upon him from an elevation of thirty feet. W. F. Abrams, of Detroit, will address the open meeting of the carpenters' union, to-morrow evening, at their hall. As heretofore there will be no admission fee. On the contrary, eyeryone is cordially invited. The meeting is called for half-past seven. John Gordon comes to the front and produces a fine showing in Lincolnshires. He has a flock of fifteen yearlings with an average weight of 130 pounds, one of which he purchased of Will Fowler and tips the beam at 164, and sheared 12 pounds, the wool being nearly three inches long. John has over 250 of his breed. - Saline Observer. About 900 pupils of the ward schools took part in the Kindergarten exercises in the high school, last Friday afternoon. The gallery was_ filled with the parents of the pupils. All the ward schools were represented and the Kindergarten plays and exercises went off with considerable spirit. The exercises were interspersed with a great deal of music by the pupils in charge of Miss Lucy Colé, and proved a great success. A lively fight occured yesterday afternoon betweentwo tailors Joseph Zelmiskie and Frank Schmidt, employed by Stafford, in his werk room in the third stpr" i the Farmer's and Mechani'Lankbuilding. Blood was plen.iful, gashes in the back of the head, bruised noses, contusions on top of the head, etc, aroused the neighborhood. Both tailors were taken to jail by Turnkey McCabe, who stopped the fight. They are out again. Gradually but inevitably the natural groves about the city are disappearing. Now it is that once lovely one covering the slopes between the Catholic cemetery and North Main street. The vandal wood-chopper is at his work of destruction there, and many a noble oak has fallen to rise no more, and ignominious wood-piles dot the opened glades. Soon, like SchoolGirls' glen, another of our most delightful and convenient resorts will have been ruthlessly swept away. The annual report of thesecretary of the Parish Aid and Woman's Auxiliary societyof St Luke's (Episcopal) church in Ypsilanti shows among other interesting facts, seven comfortables made, five sun-bonnets and sixty-six aprons, four quilts besides the many fancy articles made for the Christmas market. There are 180 children in the Sunday school. The Easter offering was $52. Fifteen families have been given relief and L359.40 worth of clothing has been distributed, a box of reading matter has been sent the county house. Nearly two years ago a pair of diamond earings, worth $150 or more, was missed bv the family of James Clements. John and Sarah Mulday, colored, worked in the family and were employed in the search, which extended to taking up the stair carpet, looking in the registers, etc, but the diamonds were not found. Yesterday, Marshal Murray, and Deputy Sheriff Schall found them in Sarah Mulday's ears, and returned them to their owner. John Mulday had picked them up, continued the search and said nothing.