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Drs. Fruth

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lío Monev Reauired oí' Keuonslble Parties to Oommence Treatment. Formerly of New York, now the celebrated Examining Physicians and Surgeons of the Fruth ' Mecical and Surgical lnstitute, Chicago, 111., by rennest of many iriends and Patiënte, hare decided to visit Alflf ABIiOR THUHSDAY, MAY, 7th, 1391. Consultation and Examination free and strictly eonfldontial in the private parlors of tiesiie: cooz: h:otjse, ONE DAYONLY. D. 0. FRUTH. A.C. FRUTH. Celebrated Surgeon. Examining Physlclan, of the Frutla Medical and Surgical Instituto. Permanently established and incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois, with a capital stock of $100,000, for the scientific and successful treatment of all forms of Chronic and Sexual iDiseases, Catarrh, Asthma; Stomach, Kidney, Bladder, Nervoiis and Special Deseases of Men and Wornen. Ably assisted by a full staff of eminent physicians and surgeons for every department of medicine and surgery. Female Diseases positively cured by a Kidney and Bladder Diseases never failing method. Ahorne treatment enBright's Disenso. Diabetes and kindred mala tirely harmlPss and easily applied. Consultadies treated and cures effected in thousands of tion free and strictly confldential. cases that had been pronounced bevond hope. r_ c-..+h Wpr wrs nf pxTipiionre has Private Diseases- Blood Poison, SypyperfemolSí5SwelBISSítíSuIta nils. Cmorrhcea, Gleet, Strictnro, Hydrocele, Vit al dra n in Urine. Nocturnal losses, UuVericcole Loss ot Bexual Power and all dispaired Memory, WeHk liack, Meiancholy, seascs .! the scnito-unnary orpans, speedlly Want of Euery, Premature decline of the and Prmenently cured No riBks mcurred. ManlyPowers if consulted before idiocy, inConsultation free and strictly confidential. sankv.faUingfltsor tota! impotenoy results. 'L otaervation to aU These terrible disorders arisefroui rumous parts 01 the Lnitedbtates. practiee6of youth, blithing the mostradiant Catarrh Cured. Catarrhal affeetions oí topes unütting patiënt for study, society, or the nose, throat, hings and stoinaeh, broumarriage. Aunually to an unchitis, aathma, consumption and dyspepsia, timely grave thousands of youug men of successfully treated by the most recent and briliant intelect and exalied talent. scientitic methods which a vast hospital ex_,, „ . „,.,, „t _,„;„ vnifo nr perunco has proved worthy of confldence. Piles Cured without . pain, knife or ,0 desil.e nobetter proof oSUCces tban the cautery. testimoniáis on üle at the institute, ofthouMarrlage. Mnrried persons oryoung men sands of hclpless cases that we have restored eontemplating marriage, aware of physical to health and hnppiuess. weakness, loss of proereatiye powers, impree Examination of the Urine. potency, or any other disquíilahncation, jjach person appiying for medical treatment Bpeedily restored. ahould send or L ring an ounce of their urine, Epilepsy positively cuied brournewand which will receive a careful Chemical and never failing Hospital treatment. mioroscopical examination. HfflUMWïlHT PHflP? Perfccted in old cbbpc whieh have been nogleeted orunsklllfully treated. WUfiUbwiUU WUAmU No experimente or failuree, Parties treated by mail and express, but whert possible, personal consultation is preferred. Curable cases guaranteed. "Caees and correspondenee confidential. Treatment sent C. O. D. to any part of the ü S. Eist of 130 cuestione free. Address -wlth pwtage. DK.D.O. FKUTH, 89 East Madiaon Street, Chicago.lll,