Council Proceedings

LOITICIAI,.] CounCil Chambbb, May 4, 1891. Regular meeting. Called to order by President Cooley. Roll cali. present - Aid. Mann, Wines,Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson, President Cooley. Absent- Aid. Fillmore. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. COMMUNICATION FROM THE MAYOR. Mayor Doty delivered his message to theCouncil. To the Common Council: Gentlemen: In obedience to customs which I would hesitate to transgress, I have the honor and the pleasure as well, of appearing before your Honorable Body for the purpose of formally inaugurating the work which lies before us as the legislative and executive heads of this municipality. It is needless, perhaps, for me, who have recently come into official contact with the varied and often complex workings of our city government, to remind you as individuals of the labors and responsibilities of the coming year. Many of you are already familiar, by long experience, with the minuiest details of our civic life. You have seen administrations come into ing, buoyant with hope and confident of strength for the performance of the duties they have been called to discharge. You have witnessed disappointments, perhaps, seen hopesdeferred and ideáis unrealized, but you can truthfully say that whatever the errors may have been, and to err is human, there has never in our history been a lack of honest, patriotic effort, and a steady, dignified and consistent progress towards an ultímate which in everything shall make for the public good. To you who are veterans I would simply say that we, the new recruits, come to you with no request but for the benefit of your ripe experience, no hope, but for the grace and power to do our best, no confidence except that which is inseparable from conscious integrity of purpose - an'd, we trust, with no false pride which shall cause us for an instant to forget that we are the servants of the peoplte and that in us, officially, they have reposed their trust. And so I have the faith to believe that the result of our joint labors will not be unworthy of the examples of our faithful and competent predecessors, whose wise legislative and prudent, yet public-spirited, executive policy have placed our beautiful Ann Arbor in the front rank of the foremost cities of the state. In this connection, also, it is most appropriate that we render due acknowledgment of the self-sacrificing and onerous work which the several municipal boards of the city are continually called upon to perforra. Too much praise cannot be given to those of our fellow-citizens who, at the cali of public duty, have sacrificed their personal convenience and too often their financial gain in the exacting duties pertainingto these Boards. It is therefore in perfect justice to them, for here is their only reward, that we here and now extend to them the thanks of the city for services performed. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. I deem it fortúnate for the city , that my predecessors were enabled to secure the assistance of the able and experienced men who have administered this important branch of our civic mechanism. Messrs. H.utzel, Schuh and Keech have proved themselves the men for the place, and I deeply regret that the pressure of private business has compelled that faithful official and gbod citizen, Mr. Herman Hutzel, to ask to be relieved from the service during the coming term. A somewhat hasty and imperfect examination on my part of the various details of the work of this Board during the past year has impressed me with the manifold nature of their duties and the annoyances and limitations under which they labor. But I can assure you that never before have your wishes been more scrupulously regarded, your funds more judiciously expended, nor your street and other public improvements more intelligently conceived and executed. There are various suggestions which will be made to you from time to time by this Board looking towards the removal of some causes of complaint which the Board are powerless to remedy, and for these as for all other communications of the said Board I bespeak your careful and considérate attention. I am glad tonote in this connection that the expenditures of this Board for the past fiscal year have been only $9,425.24 against $11,437.06 of the year preceding, and it is to be hoped that equally good results with like ecönomy will characterize the work of the coming year. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS. It has been my fortune through the courtesy of Messrs. Seabolt and Pond, of the Commission, assisted by Mr. Fred Sipley, their competent and faithful chief, to make a somewhat thorough and exhaustive study of the workings of this Board and of the system under its control. It is to be regretted, for the sake of the department, that a cali to a more extended field of usefulness in the City's service, has severed the immediate connection with it, of him who is now your President, Prof. M. E. Cooley. Very much of the technical and professional excellence which our fire depart ment can justly boast, is due to his efforts and hearty co-operation. Ve can, however, console ourselves )y the thought that the city at large ïas gained, and in that gain our fire deparjment will surely share. The remaining members of the Board, whose long und familiar experience with the duties of their office has rendered their services invaluable, will carry into the work of the comng year that expert knowledge, vhich is so requisite to their posiion. I confidently expect that here will be no deterioration in he esprit du corps which is to be remarked in the officers and men under their control. While I wonld in no wise counsel or advise a lavish outlay in this department, yet I feel it my duty to say to you, that in a prudent generosity here, there may be a wise economy. I am confident that the reasona)le requests of this important Board will receive a just recognition at your hands. The department will enter upon the year with an increased equipment of trucks and supplies, and judging the future by the past, we may confidently expect the best of work at their hands. The figures which I append, are suggestive of the increasing excelience of our department in the prevention of loss by fire. Losses. Insurance paid. 1889-90 .... $9,261 10 $7,648 45 1890-91 .... 1,844 74 1,655 57 and I respectfully suggest to those interested that a continuation of this excellent work ought to bring about a lower rate of insurance on the part of the companies doing business here. BOARD OF PUBLIC HEALTH. Important as are the functions of the foregoing boards, I note as last, but by no means least, the less notable, but in my opinión even more conserving and indispensable services of the Commission. For what shall it avail us as a city if we reach the summit of perfection in the care of our streets and bridges, our public buildings and other material interests, if the pestilence which wasteth invades the humble cottage and the lordly palace? What our wealth, our civic pride or grandeur, if death decimate our populace and bring sorrow and despair to happy households, whose health in body, as well as in purse, it is our duty to carefully defend ? It was her robust and sturdy citizenship who were the walls of ancient Sparta. So in these later days, thé great republic must secure its perpetuity not by piles of brick and stone, not by wealth and ostentatious magnificence, but by due regard to the bodily health and physical perfection of its manhood and womanhood. Only in the health of the body can the really healthy mind do its perfect work for the perfect state. Ih this connection I would cal! your favorable attention to the following extract from the message of the Hon. S. W. Beakesto the first Covncil under the present charter. "No nuisances Hable to prove detrimental to the public health, should for a moment be tolerated, and the Council ought by the passage of effective ordinances and in every way in its power to aid the Board of Health in keeping the city the healthful town it has always been." I take this occasion to thank Messrs. Breakey, Moore and Clark for their efficiënt services on this board during the past year, and I think you will find in the low average of mortality which here exists, and in our comparative freedom from epidemie disease, the best evidence of the excellent system of sanitation which the board has striven to enforce. PÓLICE. I approach this subject with some hesitation, for it is, perhaps, in the popular estimation, more intimately connected with the executive functions than any of the preceding departments. I shall not attempt any argument upon this question, neither shall I attempt at this time to outline an elabórate policy, perfect in all its detail, relative to the morale and efficiency of the force. It will suffice me to say that we shall endeavor to secure and preserve the peace and tranquility of all our citizens and yet at the same time it is but just to say that the efficiënt policing of so large a city as ours with its miles of territory, its widely scattered business interests and places, its complex population, its daily growing metropolitan customs and accessories is not perfectly possible with a forcé of one man for day duty and two for night patrol. I am satisfiedafterdiligentinquiry and personal observation, that the forcé has faithfully labored to perform its duty, yet if cause for coraplaint has arisen I ask leniency in passing judgment and promise for the force their best endeavors for the public tranquility in the year to come. As an indispensable requisite to this consummation I also entreat our citizens who, I know, are as law abiding, peaceable and industrious as the state can boast, to aid and assist, by their example, in the maintenance of a decent respect for law and constituted authority. It is only thus that we can hope to continue in the future, as in the past, among the quietest, safest and most virtuous of the larger cities of the state. And it is for our material interest that we should so continue, so that many an anxious parent who commits a child or children to our care, and that of the great institution of learning which is here, will rest unshaken in his confidence, despite the voice of detraction in which it pleases some to indulge. In conclusión, it is well for us to remember that while we are continually enhancing the beauty and attractiveness of our city, we are at the same time, under increasing obligations of courtesy and hospitality. Thus, the press has informed us that during the month of June, the convention of the State Bund of the Arbeiter Verein will assemble here. This great association has in its ranks the foremost citizens of the state, and all of us who are at all interested in the work of beneficial societies, know the grand good work to which they are devoting themselves. There will undoubtedly be a large attendance of delegates, and I trust the Council at the proper time will see tq it that all due courtesies are extended to our distinguished guests. At a later date the state encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic will assemble here, and I am sure that when the time comes we shall be ready and anxious to give a cordial greeting to the war-worn veterans who will honor us by their presence. And, finally, while we are continually taking on more and more the fluties and responsibilities of an act ive modern city, let us at the same cime exercis a zealous care to keep our expense at a mininum con sistent with a judicious economy. Let it be ourwatchword to lighten as much as possible thé burden o taxation and thus maintain the envi able reputation for municipal econ omy, which our city has so long and so justly enjoyed. William G. Doty, Mayor. By Aid. Wines: Resolved, That the Mayor's message be received and referred to the proper committee. Carried. ï'o the Oomaxon Council: I have this day appointed, subject to your approval, the following city officers: City attorney - Ezra B. Norris. City treasurer - S. W. Beakes. City marshal - James Murray. Member Board of Fire Commissioners - Titus F. Hutzel. Member Board Public Works - William H. Mclntyre. Member Board of Health - Eli W. Moore. Patrolmen- David Collins and Clarence Tice. To tlie Conimon Council: Gentlemen - In accordance with the provisions of the statute I have this day appointed the following named persons as members of the Board of Building Inspectors of said city: Gottlieb Luick, Herman Krapf, John Koch. Wm. G. Doty, Mayor. Aid. Taylor moved that the appointment of Ë. B. Norris as City Attorney be conformetl. Yeas - Aid. Mann, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson, Pres. Cooley - n. Nays - Aid. Wines - i. , Aid. Martin moved that the appointment of S. W. Beakes as City Treasurer be confirmed. Yeas - Aid. Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Renberg, Hall, Kitson, Pres. Cooley - 12. Nays - None. Aid. Taylor moved that the appointment of James Murray as City Marshal be confirmed. Yeas - Aid. Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson, Pres. Cooley - 12. Nays - None. Aid. Martin moved that the appointment of T. Hutzel as member of the Board of Fire Commissionrs be confirmed. Yeas - Aid. Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, O'Hearn, "erguson, Taylor, Rehberg, Hall, Citson, Pres. Cooley - 12. Nays - None. Aid. Taylor moved that the apjointment of Wm. H. Mclntyre as member of the Board of Public Works be confirmed. Yeas - Aid. Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, O'Hearn, "erguson, Taylor, Rehberg, Hall, Citson, Pres. Cooley - 12. Nays - None. Aid. Hall moved that the ap)ointment of Eli W. Moore as memoer of the Board of Health be conïrmed. Yeas - Aid. Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson, Pres. Cooley - 12. Nays - None. Aid. O'Hearn moved that the appointment of D. Collins as Policeman be confirmed. Yeas - Aid. Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson, Pres. Cooley - 12. Nays - None. Aid. Herz moved that ihe appointment of C. Tice as Policeman be confirmed. Yeas - Aid. Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Rehberg, Hall Kitson, Pres. Cooley - 12. Nays - None. Aid. Wines moved that the ap pointment of G. Luick, Herman Krapf and John Koch as member of the Board of Building Inspector be confirmed. Yeas - Aid. Mann, Wines, Herz Martin, Allmendinger, O'Hearn Ferguson, Taylor, Rehberg, Hall Kitson, Pres. Cooley- 12. Nays - None. To iie Common Council: The Board of Public Works would respectf ully recommend that the following sidewalkste ordered built and would f uither recommend that the appiopriatioii of $250 be granted for the grading on N. División Street and for a fence and sidewalk on the Lawrenee property. Mrs Susan T. Cook, 72 Main Btreet, stone. Mrs. Elizabeth wiues, 20 Main street, stone. Edward K. Hinman, 31 Main street, stone. Emanuel Wagner, :i Main street, stone. ieo. F. Lutz, 40 Main street, stone. Henry Krause, 48 Main street, stoue. Geo Haller, 46 Main street, stone. Harvey Cornwoll, on Fuller street, new Mrs. Taylor, 10 South üniversity avenue Mrs. Stockbower, 12 Southüniversity avenue Albert Trumper, 12'4 South University avenue, new walk. W. W. Whedon, 86 Soutb University avenue new walk. MrB. McFarland, 37 South Dniversitv avenue, new walk. F. McDonald, 39 South University avenue, new walk. H. T. Morton, 49 South University avenue, new walk. N. J. Kycr, cor. División and William, repair sidewalk. Hatch Estáte, on William Street, repair sidewalk. Wooeter W. Beman. Flfth Ave , new walk. Chas. Kichmond, on Jefferson street, new walk. ('Ims St flair, on Fourth avenue, new walk. M. C. Goodrich, on Fourth avenue, new walk. 1'. Martin. on Fourth avenue, new walk. Estáte of Miss Emma Andrews, cor. Williams and Mnynard streots, new walk. M. It. Culver, on S. Maynard street, new walk. M s. Nickels. on Maynard street, new walk. Ed. Clancy, Jr., cor. Williams and Maynard streel, new walk, John N. Bailey, on S. División street, new walk. Mrs. Louise H. Sackett, cor. State and Huron etroetö, new walk. Mrs. Uower, on Spring etreet, new walk. Pal Upsilon Fiaiernity, cor. S. University avenue and State street, new walk . By order of the Board of Public Works. W. J. Miller, Clerk. Ann Arbor, April 29th, 1891, The communication from the Board of Public Works was received and referred to the Sidewalk Committee and the appropriation asked for was referred to the Finance Committee. A petition signed by twenty residents of the Third Ward of the City of Ann Arbor, asking that West Summitstrr-et attheintersectionwith Main sii'Bct le opened to its fnll width and sidewalks be ordered built on both sides ot' said street from Main to Spring streets, was received and referred to tlie Street Committee. A petition signed by thirty-two residents and property owners of the Third Ward of the City of Ann Arbor asking for the construction of a bridge across what is known as "Mili Race" on Felch street and properly grade the approaches to the same, was received and referred to the Street Committee. Ann Akbok, Micii., May lst, 1891. W. J. Miüer, City Clerk, Ann Arlor, Michigan. Deae Sik: In response to your circular letter of the 29th uit., asking bids for city f unds the ensuing year, we submit the following : "Will pay three and onetenth per cent. interest on daily balances, credited quarterly, and wil! charge flve per cent. on any overdrafts of the City." Very Respectfully, Chas. E. IIiscock, Cashier. Ann Arbor, Mich., May 4tli, 1891. William J. Miller, Esq., City Clcrlc, Ann Arbor, Mich. DkakSir: Your favor of the 29th lt. is received and in reply wiJl say, hat the Farmers' & Mechanics' Bank -111 pay three per cent. on all balances eposited by tlie City, and charge six er cent. on all overdrafts. Interest ill be flgured on daily balances, and ayable July and January flrst. Yours Very ïnily F. II. BBLSKB. Aid. Martin moved that the bid of he Savings Bank be accepted. Yeas- Aid. Manu, Wines, Herz. Martin, Allmendinger, O'Hearn, Fer;uson, Taylor, Renberg, Hall, Kitson, .res. Cooley.- 12. Nays - None. 'o the Honorable, the Mnyor and Common Council of Ann Ar oor: Gentlemen:- The Board of Fire Commissioners beg to submitto you as er requirements of law governing the ame, a report of the year's workings and the present condition of the Fire Jepartment f or the year ending April st, 1891. M. E. Cooley. W. J. Miller, Pres. B'd of Fire City Clerk. Commissioners. The annual report of the chief of the fire department was xead. Aid. Kitsom moved that the report )e received and placed on file. Car. ied. A petition signed by 15 residents of he Sixth ward asking for the extenion of the water maiu from the interection of II ill and East University avenue, south on E. University avenue to Packard street and the plaeing of a fire hydrant thereon, was received and refened tö the Water Committee. REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE To the Common Council: Your committee on Finance woulc respectfnlly report that they have the following bilis under consider ation and would recommend their allowance at sums stated. CONTINGENT FÜND. A. A.T.H. Electric Co., llKhts 564 4 A.A.T. H. Electriu Co., Lights 2 00 A. A. Argus. Printing 20 DO A. A. Argus, Printing 50 00 J H. Stark, janitor 8 00 T. D. Kearuey, Salary 25 00 W J, Miller, Salary 68 66 G, Collins, wood, 1 50 W, W, Watts, salary , 25 00 Bailey & Dow, keys 3 50 C. H. Manly, useof room 5 00 C.G. Darling, M. D., services 100 00 Martin Clark, salary J2 50 Sec'y of State, certined copy of Aoct.. 5 00 John Baumgardoer, Hegr. and Eloct. .. 10 00 A. P. Ferguson, Het. and Elect 10 00 Q. Frank O'Hearn, Hegistratlon 3 00 Seward Cramer. election inspector 5 0 Frank Vandewerker, clerk 5 00 Geo. W. Miller, Clerk 5 00 JosephDonnelly, jrate keeper, 2 1 0 James Carey, gate keeper, 2 00 W.G. Dieterle, supplies 5n 00 Jas. K. Baeh, i-ent, post exp , 68 M) Jas. K. Kach, rubber stamps 6 50 liros. & Kverard. docket 8 00 W. J. Miller, stamps, tele., 3 93 $1,048 54 POOK FÜND. J. Kapp, sawing wood 13 50 Doty Sí Feiner, poor orders 1 50 W. G. Dieterle, poor orders.. 10 (KI EdDuffy, poor orders 188 John Goetz & Son, poor orders 1 44 G. Hoeier, poor order 1 'Li J. K. llurkins, poorordere 8 00 W. F. Lodholz, poor orders J2 20 Win. H. Mclntyro, poor orders 6 51 Rinsey & Seabolt, poor orders 5 T9 j C. Itinsoy, poop orders 6 43 I A. D. Seyler, poor orders 1 00' Warner & Son, poor orders.. 8 95 PÓLICE TOND. Johñ Kobinson,"buryins horse 3 00 David Colllns, salary 50 00 Clarence Tice, salary 50 00 James Murray, Balary 65 00 Bailey & Dow, keys 126 W.G.Snow, hack 5 01) W. G. Snow, hack 160 175 75 CKMKTERY FIND. BH S. Manly, labor Í 3 75 FIRE DKPABTMENT FOND. 5r. Dell, service 9 25 '. Eberbach, Buppllea 13 67 Jalles & Dow, repairs 3 30 loo. Pond, expense to Detroit... 2 60 3has. Corbitt, straw 3 79 William l'arroll. sulary 40 00 J. A. Edwards, salary 40 00 ,oul8Hoelzle, salary 40 00 leory MoLaren, ealáry 40 00 'rank Campion. salary. 40 00 lorgftD Williams, sulary 8 00 [eraan Kirn, salary 8 00 (obert Kos9, salary - s oo rIotor SctuK'klrr. B&lary 8 00 jouis Weinmañn, salary 8 00 olm Kinni'y, sub. , salary 1 50 i. Weinmann. tallow 20 ieinzmann & Oo.. supplies 15 70 "ireand Water Weekiy Journal 3 00 drs. Iteam. washing 8 00 }.H. Hazelwood, straw 60 Geo. Jeedele, hay 10 78 Kathlon & Damon, oil meal 1 75 "red Slpley, salary 00 00 oh n Kemi), oats 26 50 l. Kearns, shoeing 5 20 MrB. Fall, sewing 1 80 407 54 STREET FUSD. ielsoD Sutherlahd, salary 66 66 tnith Motley, salary 50 00 erry Manaban, labor 12 50 . U. Davis, service 15 OU Vm Burus, service 1157 obn Uurns. service 18 h7 diehael Williams, labor 88 55 t. C. liarney, crossing stone 25 93 t. C. Barney, crossintr stone 9 90 Wm. Herz, Street signs 3 00 amuel Dett, labor 8 00 tíeorgeTower, labor 6 26 Geo. Stoll, labor 3 00 Cari Yardt, labor 1 50 Charles Smith, labor 76 íichael Hession, labor 24 03 "ranli Hogan, labor S nO ülias Sadler. labor 18 60 oseph Sekora.labor 20 03 . olinathan Uniko, lauor 7 50 rer Aklrich. laoor 90 jenus Sweet, labor 17 50 Albert Tremper, labor Si 12 Michael Heiiiy labor 4 50 Uustave Waltere, labor 18 53 Wm. Nimps, labor líi 10, labor ü8 50 W. A. Chamberlain,, labor 8 h7 r. L. Hewitt. labor 33 S3 oseph Ilut.el, labor 27 15 'bristi.m Brenner, labor 17 lo ieorge Bohllmmer. labor B B0 liram Klttredge, labor 20 50 falentíne Stiller, labor. 7 13 tacob Ui6sÍD)r r, labor 33 00 N. Suthcihinii, labor 19 00 John Mornson, labor 4 28 erael Clnrk, labor 12 00 M. H. Murphy, labor 28 41 A.T. Herfceft, labor ll 75 Chas. Radie, labor 18 68 ílias. Oodf rey, labor 22 50 Kmil Buur, labor 10 00 Dnuicl Crawford ; labor 40 80 Wm. Kuelm. bibur 23 40 lacob Hertchen, lalior 1 50 Hichael Kiiüterer, labor 3 00 Mat. Leopo.d, labor 2116 $807 33 RKCM'ITUI.ATION. Contingent $ 1048 54 Poor 73 40 Pólice 175 75 Cemetery 3 75 Fire Depat'tmunt 407 54 Street 807 33 Total Ï2.516 31 Respectfully' submitted, E. G. Makn, William Herz, Louis P. Hall. Finalice Committee. (Continued on Fourth Page.) COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. (Concluded.) Aid. Martin moved that the report be accepted and adopted and warrants ordered drawn for the same. Yeas - Aid. Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, O'Hearn, Fergueon, Taylor, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson, Pres, Cooley.- 12. Nays - None. ORDINANCE C0MM1TTEE. First readingby titleof an ordinance to amend section ten of an ordinance, entitled "An Ordinance llelative to Licenses," passed August 19, 18P9, and amended March 27th, 1890. To tlie Common Couneil: Your couimittee to wliom was referred the ordinance of the Anti Arbor Street liailway Company .respectf ully report that they have had the same ander consideration and recommend its passage, wiUi the following amendments: Heginning with the word also, in line live of section tvvo, and strike out all up to and including the word hospital, in line eight, of said section two, and insert the following: Also from the intersection of State and Huron streets, thence Korth on State street to Catherine street, thence East on Catherine street to the University Hospital. We also recommend to strike out the word July, in line three of section three, and insert the word January, and ask to be discharged from further consideration of the ordinance. Christian Martin, L. D. Wines, Ordinance Committee. Tojlie Comnum Council: Having had under consideration the the Ordinance relative to Street Railways, which was referred to the Ordinance Committee, I herewith submit a minority report. The Ann Arbor Street liailway Company is at present nnder contract with the city to build four extensions to their lines within the year, and have as yet given no indication of their intention to fulfll their contract. I therefore recomtnend that consideration of the aforesaid ordinance be postponed until ;the company fulfils its present contract, or makes proper i explanation to this council of their : teiltions for t.lip futuro Respectfully submitted, Walter L. Taylok. May 4, 1891. Aid. Ilerz moved that the reports be laid on the table. Yeas-Mann, Ilerz, Allmendinger O'Hearn, Taylor, Rehberg and Hall- 7. Nays - Willes, Martin, Ferguson Kitson, and President Cooley.- 5. WATER COMMITTEE. To the Common Council : Your Water Committee to whom was referred the petition of certain citizens requesting that a hydrant be placed on HUI street, have had the same under consideration, and report that one hydrant be placed on the corner of Forest avenue and Hill street. providing that the Water Company extend the main at their own expense. Respectfully submitted, C. Frank ü'Hearu, E. G. Mans, Geo. Allmesdixger, Water Commitee. By Aid. Hall: Resolved, That the report of the Water Committee be accepted and that the Water Company be instructed to place a hydrant in coinplanee with the recommendation of Water Committee. Yeas- Manu, Wines, llera, Martin Allmendinger, O'IIearn, Ferguson Taylor, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson and President Cooley. - 11. Nays- Xone. Second reading by. sections of an Ordinance to amend Section 10 of an Ordinance entitled an "Ordinaiice Relative to Licenses,"' passed August 19, 1889, and amended March 27th, 1890. LIQtrOB BONDS. To tlie Common Coundl : Your Committee on Bonds would respectfully report that they have examined the i'ollowing bonds of liquor dealers, and would recommend their acceptance witb the sureties named. Principal. Sureties. Millman & MeNally - Herman Hardinghaus Hiram Kittredge. Polhomus &Saxton-W. E. Walker, Jacob ■ Polhemus. Hugïi Shields- Henry Exinger, Joseph gardner. Adolph Kemper- Henry Apfel, Mathias Fischer. Gibney Wall - Jeremiah Walsh, John Delany. Bespectfully submitted, William Herz, E. G. Maniï, Louis P. Hall. By Aid. Mann. Resolved, ïhat report of Bond Committee be aceepted and bonds therein specifled be approved. Yeas- Aid. Mann, Wines, Herz Martin, Allmendinger, O'IIearn, Fer, guson, Taylor, Rehberg, Hall. KitsonPres. Cooley - 1:2. Nays - None. The monthly reports of the Marshal, Superintendent of the Poor, Treas■urer ard City Clerk were read and placed on file. By Aid. Martin: Resolved, That the City Treasurer's bond be fixed at eighty thousand dollars. Yeas- Aid. Mann, Wines, Herz,. Martin, Allmendinger, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson, Pres. Cooley- 12. 2ïays- None. .' ' . .. 4 By Aid. Wines : Resolved, That Dr. E. A. Clark be appointed City Physician for the ensaing year at a salary of one hundred dollars. Yeas- Aid. Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, O'IIearn, Ferguson. Taylor, Rehberg. Hall, Kitson, Pres. Cooley- 12. Nays- None. By Aid. Martin : Resolved, That in accordance with the rSeommendation of the! Board of Public Works a warrant be ordered drawn, iïom Street Fund, for one hundred and eighty dollars, in favor of Philip Visel for injuries to bis pfcoperty on Ashley street, and the gravel taken out in lawering said property to the grade of said street, said warrant to remain in the possession of the City Clerk until the necessary agreement is signed by said Visel. Yeas- Aid. Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Ta.ylor, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson Pres. Cooley- 12. Nays- None. By Aid. Mann : wnereas tne x., A. A. &2i. M. It. R. contémplate building a bridge over North Main street, and are unable to lócate the proper street line, therefore Resolved, That the Board of Public Works be and are hereby directed to have a proper survey made of North Main street at the point where said bridge crosses said street. Yeas- Aid. Mann, Wines, Ilerz, Martin, Allmendinger, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson, Pres. Cooley- 12. Xays- None. ByAld. Martin: Resolved, That the sum of six dollars per month be paid Mrs. Evans from the Poor Fund, for aid tor the coming year the same as heretoiuie. and the Clerk is hereby ordered to draw a warrant for the month of April for the same. Yeas- Aid. Wines, Ilerz, Martin, Allmendinger, O'IIearn, Ferguson, Taylor, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson, Pres. Cooley - 11. t Nays- Aid. Mann.- 1. By Aid. Rehberg: Resolved, That the sum of three dollars per month be paid Miss Shaw from the Poor Fund for aid for the coming year, the same as heretofore, and the Clerk is hereby ordered to draw a warrant for the month of April for the same. Yeas- Aid. Wines, Herz, Martin, Allmendinger, O'IIearn, Ferguson Taylor, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson. Pres. f'nnlpv 11 Nays- Aid. Manu.- 1. By Aid. Wines : Resolved', Thatthe followingsidewalksbeand ure pereby ordered graded and constructed withiu ten days Erom Muy íath on the south Bide of iiuron Btreet, aad In front of lots and premises u ned and occupled by the follón Int named persons: Mrs. II. L Sackett, lot 1 bl sr9 e. bounded n by Iiuron Street, e by State Btreet, s by M. E. church, mul w y Faequelle and Henuequin land, The sald Bldewalks shall befive feet in width and shall be constructed of good pine plank. free from sap. which shall not be less thnn t o iuches in thlekuess, more than twelve or less than iive inehes wide, and luid on oak, cedar, pine or hemlock sleepers not less than tuu by four inches in size, to be placed in pairs no't more than four feet apart. The plank shall be laid lengthwise of the street and shall be luid with uails not less than twenty penny, with at least two at each end of each plank and not less than two at any other hearing. They shall be raised from the curbstone in the proportion of eight iuches in twenty feet and conform to the established grade. In case the owner or occupantin front of which said walk is herebv ordered laid shall neglect' to build said walk in accordauce with the resol ution and ordinance of the city within the time herein limited, it shall be the duty of the Board of Public Works to at once cause the same to be done in accordance with this resolution and make report thereof and of the"cost of the same to the Commou Council, in accordance with the ordiuauces of the city. Carried. By Aid. Wines: Resolved, That the followiug sidewalks be and are hereby ordered graded and constructed within ten days from JUay I3th on the east side of División street. and in front of lots and premises owned and occuuied by the followintr named person : John N. Bailey, 35 feet of w side of lot 7, also 35 feet by 5G feet off of the n w corner of lot 10. b 4, s r 7 e, The said sidewalks shall bp fivefeetiu width and shull be constructed of good tflSe plank free from sap. which shall hot be less than' two inches in thickneas. more than twelve or less than five inches wide, and laid on oak cedar, pineor hemlock sleepers not less than two by niches in size. to hc iiur.iH i, paira not more than four íeet apart. The plank shall be laid lengthwlseoí the Street and shall be laid with natls not teas than twenty penny, with it least two at eacb end of caen plank and not leas than two at auy other bearing They shll be raised from the curbstone tn the proportion of eight lneheein 20 feet and contonn to the establlshed grade. ín caso the ou ner oí oceupant in rronl ol bieh sald walk Isnereby ordered laid shall negleet to buihi said walk In accordance with the resolution and the ordinance oi the city withln the Eime aerein limited, it símil be the duty of the Board of Public Works to at once cause the same to be done in accordaiice ivitli this resolution and niake report thereof and of the cost of the same to the Cominon C'ouncll, in accordance with the ordjnancea of the city. Carried. By Aid. Wines : Resolved, That the follmving sidewalks be and are hereby ordored gradecl and construc ted withüi ten days from May 13th, on the soutb Blde of Jefferson street, and in front of lots and premisos owned and occupied bv the followiug naraed persous: Edrannd :iancy the w 8 rods of lot 10, and one rod by 3 rods bff of the s w corner of lot il.makingö rods on Maynard street, and 3 rods on William street b 3 sr9 e; Charles H. Richmond, a plece of land in bósrGe.boundedn bySchoff's landebyP Snauble's and J. Gotts' land s by Jefferson St. w by John Burg's land heiligs ft. on Jeffersou street; klizabeth L., Frank J., and Marv M Lew is, a piece of land in b 5, s r 6 e, boundêd n by Jefferson street e by John Jioss' laad s by lot 1, and w by Fifth street; estáte heirs of James B. Gott, tbc W2 of the e 8 rods of lot 5, b 4s, r6 e. The said sidewalks shall be five feetin width and shall be constnicted of good plne plank free from sap, whieh shall be not less than two mches iu thickness, more than twelve or less thau flve inches wide, and laid on oak, cedar pine or hemloek sleepers not less thau two by four inches in si;, to be tilaced in pairs not more than fourfeet apart. The plank shall be laid lengthwise of the street and shall be laid with nails not less thau twenty pennv with at least two at each end of each plank and not less than two at any other beariii" They shall be raised from the èurbstone in the proportion of eight Inches in 90 ieet and conform to the established gTade. In case the owuer or occupant in front of which said walk is herebv ordered laid shall negleet to build Bald walk In accordance with the resolmion and the ordinance of the city witbin the time herein limlted, it shall be "the duty of the Board of fublic Works to at nncr cause the samo to done in accordance with this resolntion and make report thoreof and of the cost of the same to the ('ommon Council }n accordance with the ordinuncos of the city. Carried. By Aid. Wines : feaolved, That tlie following sidewalks e anti are hereby orderedgraded andeoustructed withiu ten days from May 13th on the west side of Mayuard St.. and south side of Liberty bt., and in front of lots and premises owned and occupled by the following named persons : O. L. Matthcws, the e% of lots 13 and 14, except 56feet off of the n% of lot 13, bSs, r8e; Mrs i.mraa Andrews, lot 16, b 4 s, r 8 e, except 16 ft' of Ure wend; estáte heirs of Mrs. Martha ver, lot 13 aüd the 8í of lol II, b 1 k r 8 e except 60 feet off of s side of said lot. The said sidewalks shall be five fcet in width and shall be constructed of good pine plauk f ree from sap, which shall be not less than two inchea in thlckness, more than twelve or les than five inehes wlde, and laid on oak, cedar pine or hemlock sleepers uot les than two bv four iuches in size, to be placed in pairs not less than four feet apart. The plank shftll b lmd lengthwlse of the streel and shall be lali wlth muis not lesa than twenty penny, with a least two at each end of each plank and no lege than two at anyother hearing. They shal be roised from the curbstone In the proportloi oi eignt Inches in 2ü feet and conform to the establtshed grade. I ti case the owner or oc eupant In front of which said walt is berebs ordered laid shall neglect to baild said walk In atcordiu wlth the resolutlon and the or dinance of tlic city withln the time hereli linilted, ii shall be the duty of the Board o Public Work.-: to at onoe canse the same to be done in accordance with this resolutlon anc malee repon thereof and of the cost of the same to the Comraon Conncll, In aecordance Hitli the ordinances of the city. Carried. By Aid. Wines : Retolved, That the following sidewalk-i bc and are hereby ordered graded and constnicted withln tt-n days from Muy ISth on the south side of William street.and east side of División street. and in front of lots and premises owned and occupied by the following named persons: Mrs. Maren Kyer, part of lot 5, b 3 a, i ou, [n'L'iiiiiiim'iii s e corner oi said block running tbence n along the w side of División Street 72 feet. tlience w 60 feet thence 8 to William street thenee e to place of beginning The said sidewalks shall be five ieet in width aud sball be constructed of good pine plank free from sap, which shall uot be loss than two luches iu thickness. more than twelve or less thau five inches wide, aud laid on oak.cedar, pine or hemloek sleepers not less than two bv four luches in size, to be placed in pairs no't more than four feet apart. The plank shall be laid leugthwise of the street and shall be laid with nails not less than tweuty penny, with at least two at each end of each plank aud uot less than two at any other hearing. They shall be raised from the curbstone in the proportion of eight inches in 20 ieet and conform to the i'stablished grade. In case the owuer or occupant in front of which said walk is hereby ordered laid shall neglect to build said walk In accordanoe with the resohuion and the ordinauce of the city within the time herein sliall be tlie duty of the Board of Public Works to at once cause the same to be done in ftccordaoce with this resolution and inake report thereof and of the cost of the saine to the ('oniinon Council. in aecordanec with the ordiaances of the city. Carried. By Aid. Winee : Resolved, That the following sidewalks be and are hereby ordered graded and constructed withJn ten days from May 13th on the east side of ifth Ave . and in front of lots and premises owned and occupied by the following named person : Wooster W. Beeman, the s w V of lot 1, b3s, r6e. The said sidewalks shall be flvefeetin width and shall be constructed of good pine plank, free from sap, which shall uot be less than two inehes iu thickness, more than twelve or less than five inches wide, and laid on oak, cedar pine or hemloek sleepers not less than two by four luches in size, to be placed in pairs not more than four feet apart. The plank shall be laid lengthwise of the street and shall be laid with nails not less thanHwenty penny, with at least two at each eud of each plank and not less thau two at any other bearing. They shall be raised from the curbstone in the proportion of eight inches in 20 feet and conform to the established grade. In case the owner or occupant in front of which said walk is herebv ordered laid shall neglect to build said walk in accordance with the resolution and the nance oí me cuy witnin the time hereia liuiIted, it shall bc the duty of the Board of Public Works to at once canse the sanie to be none in accordance with this resolution and make report thereof and of the cost of the same to the Coramon (,'ouncil, In accordance with the ordinances of the city. Carried. By Aid! Wines. Resolved, boat the followingsidewalkg be and are hereby ordered graded and constructed within ten days from May 13th, on the west side of Fpurth Ave., N., and In front of lots and premisos owried and occupied by the follou Ing named person : estáte of Martin Frank lot 12, 1)8, n r4e.; :. H. St. Clair, lot 15, b 3, n r 4 e; M. H. Goodrich, lots f8 and 14, b 4 n r 4 e The said sidewalks shall befive feet in widtl'i and shall be constructed of good pine plank free from sap, which shall not be lees than two' luches in thickness. more thau twelve or less than five inches wide, and laid on oak, cedar pine pr hemlock sleepers uot less than two by tour inches in size, to be placed in pairs uot more than four feet apart. The plank shall be laid lengthwise of the street and shall be laid with nails uot less than twenty penny with at least two at each end of each plank and not less than two at any other hearing. They shall be raised from the curbstone in the proportion of eight inches iii 20 feet aud conform to the established grade. In case the owner or occupant iu front of which said walk is hereby ordered laid shall neglect to build said walk in accordance with the resolution and the ordiuance of the city within the time herein hmited, it shall be the duty of the Board of Public Works to at once cause the same to be done in accordance with the ordinances of the city. Carried. By Aid. Wines : Resolved, Tha.t the following sidewalks be and are herebyorderedgradedandconstructed witninten daya from May 18th, on the north side of Spring streel, and in front of lots and premises ownedand occupied by the following imiiK'il persons: Mrs. P. L. Tuttle. lots 1,2 S, !. . 6, 7. 8, 9, and 10, b 4. Felch Add (Sessions agent.) The said sidewalks shallbe five feetin width and shall be constructed of good pine plank free from sap. which shall uot be less than two mchps in thickness, more than twelve or Jess than fivc inches wide, and laid on oak cedar pine or bemlock sleepers not less than two bv four inches in size, to be placed in pairs no"t more than four feet apart. The plank sh-il] be laid lengthwise of the street and shall be laid with nails not less than twenty pennv withat least two at each end of each plank and not less than two at any other bearing They shall be raised from the curbstone in the proportion of eight inches in 20 feet and conform to the established grade. In oase the ou per or occupant in front of which said walk is hereby ordered laid shall neglect to build said walk in accordance with the resolution and ordinance of tüe city within the time hereïn lnnited, lt shall be the duty of the Board of Public Works to at once cause the same to be done in accordauce with this resolution and make report thereof and of the cost of the same to the Common ('ouncil, in accordance with the ordinances of the city. Carried. By Aid. Wines: Resolved, That the following sidevvalks be and are hereby ordered graded and constructed within ten days f rom May i3th, on theEastside of Washtenaw avenue and in' front of lots and premisès owned and occupied by the following named persons; Charles Hurd, Lots from 1 to 14, Millers' 2nd add. The said sidewalks shall be five feet in width and shall be constructed of good pine plank, free from sap, whieh shall be not. less th-ui two inches in thickness more than twelve or less than five inches wide and laid onoak, cedar, pine or hemlock sleepers not less than two by four inches in si.e, to be placed in pairs not more than four fert apa t. The plank shall be laid lengthwise of the street and shall be laid with nails uot Jeas than iwenty penny, with at least two at eaeh end of tacta plank and not less tban two at any otbcr beartng They shall be raised from the curbslone in tbe proportion of ,eirht inches in twenty feet and conform to the established grade. In case the occupant in front of wliich SHid walk is hereby orderid laid shall neslect to build said walk in accordancc with the resolution and the ordi nance of Ihe city within the time herein limited, it shall be the duty of the Board of Public Wurks to at once cause the sume to be done in accordance with this resolution and make report thereof and of the cost of the same to the Comruon Council in ccordancewith the ordinances of the city. Carried. By Aid. Wines: Resolved, That the following sidewalks be and are hereby ordered graded and constructed within ten days f rom May 13A, on the West side of State street and in front of lots and premises owned and occu pied by the following named per sons: Hamiiton Lit. Society, Lot 1 and West A o Iot3,Blook8, S.K, 1ÜE. The eaid sidewalks on State stieet shall b slx fect in wldth, and shall be coustructed a follows: The soae Haring shall be laid upo clean 8iind aud in water-htne. ijuid tliggin -hall hare n smooth u per gurfdca, and shall no b leas tliöri throe inche? in thicknes, and Dotles i'iin two ftet square, and dressod even on tb sides so as to form close and even joints. ]n cas the owner or occupuii of auy lot in front of whic Biiti walk Ugh.rebv ordtrjdlaid li ill naglec tobuUdsaid wi kiiraocor anpe witb ,lis reroli tioii uu! ilxe ordiaaóoes of the oiiy, within tli time beieiu llmited, it buil be the duty of th Board ui Public orkj loat mce cauie the same t ia accorjuni e witii ilns rcsolntcoii, aiu maker portthereof, and oi' iliecostof liesame, t thu Coiuiiiun C'iuucil, inaic.ji-dance wi;h the ordi nances ol' the city. Carried. By Aid. Wines: Resolved, That the following side walks be and are hereby orderec graded and constructed within ten days from May i3th, on the East side of Main street, and in front o: lots and premises owned and occupied by the following named persons: E. R. Hinman. 22 ft. off of the E. side of lot oue B.2S. H. 4. E. Thesaid eidewalks on Main streot sh]l be tnirteen fet-t iu widtb, and shali be coostructed as followa: The stunc flaging sual] be laid upon citan salid and in water-linie. Said llt.gfÍQL shall bave a smooth upper surlUce, aud sball liol be less tban three incbesin thickDess, and not less tbnn Iwo feet square, and dressed rven on tbe tulen se aalo formelere and eren joints. In case the owner or occupant of anv loun front of wlucb said walk is hereby orderea laid sball utgject to build paid walk iu Hccsrdunce with this resolution and tnu uiaiuauteá oí' tbc city, "vitbin the liuie herwin iinited, itsbull be the duty of the lïoird ol'Publlc Workiioat once caue the same to be done in accordauce wita tliis resolutiou, and rnakc report thureof, aud of the cukI of tbetame, to the Common f'ouneil, ia .iceordmce with the ordlnancei of the city. Carried. By Aid. Wiaes: Resolved, That the following sidewalks be and are hereby ordered graded and constructed within ten days from May i3th, on the West siae or iwemn streetand in tront of lots and premises owned and occupied by the following named persons: W. E. Walker, E. '2of lot 16 B. 2. S. R. 12 E. Barney Noiton, Lots Hand 15 B. 2. S. R. 12. Estáte of Felix Donnelly, Lot 13 B. 2. S. R. 12. E. Patrlok Quinn, E . a of lot 11 B. 2. S, R . 12. E . The said sidewalks shallbe five fett ir. width and shall beconstructed of sood pine plank, free irotn sup, which shall not be less than two iuches in thickness, more than twelve or less than five inchcs wide and laid on oak, cedar, pine or hemlock sleepers not less than two by four inchea in size, to bc placed in pairs not more than four feet apart. The plank shall be laid lengthwise of the stieet and shall be laid with nails not less than twenty penny, with at least two at each end of each plank and nbt less than two ut any other bearing . They shall be raised lrom the ciirbstone in Iheproportion of eiglit inches in twenty fcet and conform to the established #rade. In case the owner or occupant in front of which said walk is hereby ordered laid shall neglect to build said -valk in accbrdance with the rcsolution and the ordinance ofthe city within the time herein limited, itsh.ül be the dutv ofthe Board of Public Works to at once cause the saine to be done in ac cordance with this resolution and make report thereoi and ofthe cost of the saine to theCominon Council inaccordancewitli the ord nances ofthe city. Carried. By Aid. Wines: Resolved, That the following sidewalks be and are hereby ordered graded and constructed within ten days f rom May i3th, on the west . side of Main street, and in front of lots and premises owned and '. pied by the following named persons: Mrs, S. T. Cook, 23 ft. off ot the;s. side of lot 14, B. 3, S. R. 3 E. . Heirs of Estáte of W. W. Wines, 22 ft off of - he S. side of lot 8, and Z'2 ft. off of the N. side Einañuel Wagner, 22 ft. off of the S. side of ( lot 2. B. 2. S. ü. 4.. R. George F. Lutz, 18 ft. off of S. part of lot 11 B.2. 8. H. 3. E., 18 ft. on Main St ' bounded N. by P. Cnstman land, E. by Main St., S. by J . M. Kheinhardt land, and W. by the alley. Henry Krause, 21 ft. off of the S. side of lot o&rBfi&s! Efront off of the center Toe said sidewalks on Main street shall be thirteen teet sn width, aud shall bc cbnslructed as follows: Thestone flagging shall belaid upon clean sand and in watcr-lime. Stiid flagging shall have a smooth upper surface, and shall not be less than threc inches in thickncss, and not less than two feet square, and drcssed even on the sides so as to form close and even joints. In case the owner or occupant of any lot ín front of which sald walk is herebv ordered laid shall nejflect to build said walk in accordance with this resolution and the ordinanees of the city, within the time herein Iimited, il shall he the dutv of the Board of Public Woi-ks to at once oause the same to be done in accordance with this resolution, and rnake report thereof, and the cost of the sama, to the Comnion Council, in accordance with the ordinaaces of the city. Carried. By Aid. Wines: Resolved, That the following sidewalks be and are hereby ordered graded and constructed within ten days from May 14, on the west side of Forest Ave., and Southwest side of Washtenaw Ave., and in front of lots and premises owned and occupied by the following named persons : Deiiaöements, land bounded N. by Adams' land. Washtenaw Ave. and Forest Ave S W by Torrene' land, R. S. Smlth's Add. The said sidewalks shall Ijc five feet in width and shall be constructed ofgood pine plank, free (rom sap, which shall e not be Icss than two nches in thickness, more than twelve or less than five inches wide, and laid on oak, cedar, pine or hemlock sleepers not less than two by four inches in size, to be placed in pairs not more than four feet apart. The plank shall be laid lengttawise of the street and shall be laid with nails not less than twcnty penny, with at least two at each end of each plank and not less than two at any other hearing. They shall beraised from the curbstone in the proportion of eight inches in 20 feet and conform to the established grade. In case thf owner or occuj);mt in trontof which said walk is hereby ordered laid shall nejflect to bmld said walk in accordance with the re.solntion and the ordimmce ol the city within the lime herein limited, it shall bc the duty of the Hoard of Public Works to at once cause the same to be done in accordanee with this resolution and make report thereof and of the cost of the same to the Common Council, in accordance with the ordinances oí the city. Lamed. By Aid. Wines: Resolved, That the following sidewalks be and are hereby ordered graded and constructed within ten days from May 13, on the south side . of University Ave., and in front of lots and premises owned and occupied by the following named persons: Estáte of Thomas H. Tavlor, lot 1, B. 6. ' S . R. 11, E.,on South Universily Ave. and Thayer St. Louis Tremper, the E. 33 ft. off of lot 2, B. 6, G. W.' Patterson, lot 16, B. 6, S. R. 11, E. Estáte of Z. Truesdal, lot 6, B. 6, 8. K. 11, E . on Inga lis Btreet. Estáte Nelson Eastwood, lot 2. B. 2, S. R 12 E. W. W. bounde.1 W.byThomp soa land, E. by Mrs. McFarland land, South hy S. üuiversity Ave., W. by Hisdoa land, Smith's lst Add. Mrs. L. McFarland, 46 feet in wiilth off of the eastsideof lot 29, Smith's lst Add. The said sidewalks shaJl be five feet n wulth am shall be constractect oi tood plank, iree fron sap, which shall be not less than two incbes in thfckness, more than twelve or less íhan five inches wide, and laid on oak, cediir, pine or hemli ck sleepers not less than two bv foilr inchcs in bi.t', t'i be placed in pairs not niol'e tlian fouf feel apaií. The plank shall be Laid Irntbwi o I' (he Street and .shall be laid with nails not less thftn twenty penny, w ith at least two at each end ol ench plank and not less than two at any other be;irin'. Tin v shall be raist-d firom the curbstone in the proportíon ot' eiht bichos in 2o feet and conform (o the ettablished ífrade. In case the owncr or occnpant in front of whieh said valk is herebv ordered laid thall nelect to build said walk in accordance with the rcsolntion and the ordinauce oí the city within the time herein limlted, it shall be the duty ol the lioard of Public Works to at once cause the same lo be done in accordance with this resolution and make report thereof and of the cost of thc sanie to the Cominon Councll, in accordance with the ordinances of the city, Carried. By Aid. Manu: Besolyed, That a commiltee of three be appointed to look up tlie wortby poor of this city for the purpose of making special provisión for tbe same by regular monthly payment f rom the poor fund. Alderman Wines moved that Alderman Mann be chairman of such special committee, pending which A?lderman Herz moved that the whole question be referred to the Poor Committee, which motion prevailed and the resolution was so referred. To the Comnion Couneil: Your committee to whom was referred, in connection with the Board oL Pubhc Works, the question of the settlement of the claim of the Nowlatid heirs to a part of the old cemetery, respectfully report that we have had a meeting with the Board and at the same time a conference with Mr. John Nowland,who acted forthe heirs. and find that heretofore, and on the 16th day of September, 1889, the Board acting under instructions from this Council, made an offer to the ïiowland heirs of the siim of five hundred dollars for their interest in the whole of the old cemetery, which offer was duly reported to this Council, deeds were duly executed and ready for delivery, but this Council failed to approve such action of the Board of Public Works, for which reason the deeds were not delivered. Your Committee further report, that as a result of such meeting and conference with Mr. Nowland, your 1 mittee found that Mr. NowJand wouid now, for the sake of a settleinent of the whole contention, deliver such eeds on payment of two hundred and ifty dollars and the removal and rein;erment in the new cemetery of the jodies now buried on that part of said )ld cemetery claimed by said Jiowands on a lot or lots in the new cemtery, to be provided by the said Nowand heirs, before the payment of said money. Your Committee, therefore, would I ecommend that the sura of two hun red and flfty dollars be appropriated "rom the contingent fund for such pur)ose and paid "to said John Nowland on ie delivery of such deeds, and that the Board of Public Works be instructed io cause me Domes now buned on the north part of said oíd cemetery to be removed to the new cemetery, and their interrnent on lands therein to be provided by and at the cost of said Nowland. All of which is respectfully submitted. John O'Maka, W. E. Walker. Dated March 30th, 1891. We, the Board of Public Works, concur in the foregoing report. Thomas J. Keech, H. Htjtzel, J. F. Schuh. By Aid. Mann: Eesolved, That a warrant for $2-50.00 be drawn to the order of the Board of Public Works, to settle in full the claims of the Nowland heirs for their interest in the old cemetery. Yeas - Aid. Mann, Wines, Herz, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Allmendinger, Taylor, Eehberg, Hall, Kitson, and President Cooley.- 12. Nays- None . The Council then adiourned.