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NLVER A FAII-URE. The Red Eiver Valley of Minnesota and North Dakota has never had a failure of crops. It produced 30,000,000 bushels of wheat besides other cereals in 1890. Farms can be had on tliL erop plan, or long time cash payments. It is not an uncommon thing to pay f or a farm frorn the proceeds of one erop. It has all of the advantages of an old country in the shape of school, church, ' market, postal trailway facilities and all the chances of a new country in the way of cheap lands, rich soil, and increase in values. It is one of the most fertile and promising regiona in Ainerica not yet fully occupied. In the ïusli to the far west, howevcr. this rich valley bas been over-looked. It has room for a mlllion men: people. Write to F. I. WIIITNEY, St, Paul, Minn. for particulai'8. Publications sent free. Who has not had fPoor Hose? .& GOOD RUBBER ÖlSA could be bought ten vJ f yJ$? yearsaffo. Why? V'sVn cause tliere was rub& -Jrm-' -=- ber in it. The hose sold by dealers to-day contalns little or no pure rubber. Our BLUE BIïANl) HOSE is the old-fashioned kind, and is made of rubber. With good care U should last flve or six years. It is cheap at the price. As a f?uarantec that you are gcttlng what you pay for, and are not paying a high prlce for a poor artlcle, we place thla brand on every length: If yon cnnnot fret it of yotir dealer, we will sena lt, expresa pald, on receipt of mouey. Sample fret ifyou mention this paper. BOSTON WOVEN HOSE CO,, Manf'rs. of Rubber Betting and Packlng, 226 Devomhlre Street, Botton 205 Lak? Ct, Chicago 8 Buih St., San Francisco, Cal. O "1 S 3 í a H s "■■■■'' "y u'"'y ""?'&■" imob ..f c.ih.-r S BB 1 felj-., Hu un rtnd niiü wrltc, nd who, VtValBDlM llS"i!r inetructtoo.will w.jrk inluitriouslr, %) WWV UOW to i-urn IktM Thoimud Dollars Veftrin llii'ir own loclliice,vherffvcr thEy üve.l wiH siso furnllh lh iluistion oremloymentit which yuii can rnmlhal amount. Ho money for me nnlt-R) succeufiilaa above. K.Rhily aiui quickly learoM}. Í drsine bul one workr from Ach diatrict orcounty. I have alrfadj taut-lit and provided wlth employmrnl a larve nnrabcr, who are mnkinc over MOOO a yeareach. IttNEW jd HOI. II. Kuil particular FSEt. Addriii t onca, JE. C Al.LEIt. Box 4ZO, Aufutta, Mulne.