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Mortgage SaleCiii the Slat day of Marob, A. D. is;!, John Lyun mnrtaged to Abner P. v ilcox all that o rtain piece, or paroel of lamí sitúate in the township ot Augusta In the oounty of Washniiau an.l Starp of Michiwtn, descrlbed as follii B to wit: 'Tho south half of the east half l the north-east quarter of section thirtyslx," to secure the purehase money of said de.-cribed Said inortgago was recorded in the ofBoeOf the Register of Deeds In and for said oounty on the 2$th day of May, 1886. ui llber 65 of morteaget; on page 4H7. Default has heen made In the conditionsof taid mortgage hy the non-payuient of tUo moneys due thereon hy whicu the power ot salo therein contained has become operativo. Thero is now claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortferajre the sum of eight hundred and elghty-six and 90-1U0 nollars and no proceedings at law or in chancery have been instituted to recover the same or any part thereof. Notice is therofore hereby glven, that by virtue of the power of salo in sald mort(?asro contalned and of the statute in such case made and provided, I sliall sell the said premises above and in said tnortgage descrlbed t public auction to the hiphest bidder on Saturday the 2()th day of June, 1W1, at the south front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor in said county, to make and satisfy the amountthen due on said roortgaiie, the cost and charges of this foreclosure and sale and twonty-ilve dollars attorney fee as provided lor in said mortgage. WARHIN E. WILCOX. H9 Administrator of the Estáte of AbnerP. Wilcox, duceased. SAOSBUKV 4 O'M KAI.KY. Attorneys for Administrator. Dated. Maren 20th, 181. Estáte of James H. Morris. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CÜUNTY ol Washtenaw, sa. At a sesaion of the ('róbate Court for the County ot Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city ot Ann Arbor, on Monday the thirteenth dar ot April, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one. Present, J. Willard Babbitt.Judjte of Probate. In the matter of the estáte ol James H. Morris, deceased. On reading and filine the petillon, dulr Terified, ot Gouverneur Morris, praying tht a certain instrument now on file in thia court, purporting to be the last will And testament of said deoeased, may he admitted to probate, aod tha tadministration of said estáte may be granted tohimselfas executor or to soine other suitable person. Thercupon it is ordered that Monday, the llth day of May, next, at ten o'olock in the forenoon, be asslgned for the hearing of wiid petiïon Anti that the devisees, legatees, and heirs at law of aaid deceaaed and alt other pereons interested in said estáte are required to appear at a seasion of said court, then to be holden at the Probat Office in the city of Ano Arbor, and show cauae, if any there b, why the pmyer of the petitionershould not be granted. And it is further ordored that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte of the pendency.of said petition and the hearing thereot" by cansing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Arüüs, a newspaper printed and ctrculated in said county three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WILI'ABD BABBITT, (Atruecopy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Remater. Commissioners' Notïce. C'l'ATE OF , MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF O Washtenaw, The undersig-ned havin&r been Tppointec1 by the Probate Court for said County, Itoinmissioners to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demanda of all persons ftgainst theestate of Thomas Keedle, late of said County deceased, ïereby cive notice that six months froin date are allo wed, by order of said Probate Court, for Creditors to present their claims aainst the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the late residence of satd deceased,(in the townöhip of Ann Arbor, in said County, on Tuesday, the twentyï of Jaly, andón Wednesday, 'the twentyIrst day of October next, at ten o'clock a. m. of each of said days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated, April al, 1S91. ISAAC N.8. FOSTEE, V. L. GODFHEY, Oommissioners. Commissioners' Notice. TATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF iWashtenaw. The umlersigned having heen apxuntedby the Probate Court for unid Countf. 2omïuissionersto receive, examine and adjust all claims uit] demand8 of all persons aeainst the estáte of James Morwick, late ofsald County, deceased, hereby gi ve notice that six moDtbs f rom date are allowed, by order of said Probate Coart. for creditors to present tbeir claims aainst the estáte of naid deceased, and that they will meet at the law office of Hon,Noah W. Cheever,m the City of Ann Arbor, in said County, on Monday, the ihirteenth day of July and on Tuesday the hirteenthday of October, next, at ten o'clock a. m. of each of said days, to leceive, examine and adjust said claime. Dated, April 13th, 1891. T.EOXHARD GRUNER. EDWARD TREADWELL, Com in issio ner s , "REMO VAL! Henry A. Newland & Co., wholesale hatters and fur merchants, Detroit, have removed their business to the store recently occupied by Alian, Shelden & Co., 102, 1G4, 186 and 168 Jefterson ave., one door west of Woodward ave., where their faeilities are largely increased. They invite all thoir frienda to cali at the new store. 1l 'oSBOiqo oo o[K kosiia y hhibshav ■üo? -ujai paidnoooun uw ui pajuBü sjaaay 'saua; p'nB 9n8o[inB3 aAijdposap joj sn oi aiuii 'raam aa33[ ),nsaop aq jï auiqOBra uosüm y ja[3aqÁv 6 'ofi aqi joj J8[ap autqDBin SujAias inoi 3tsv Ijnuj omo jnoX aq ija 31 isaq aq) Í33 50a op noi jt 'aaiqoBin gmiioa u'jauii no.i uaqAi 'üou pay 'iBp-cn PIJO.Ü aq) u; isaq aqj ajü 'sasn SujJmOTjnuBoi loj 'Bt 'OM aq} paB 'asn i[ttU8j joj '6 'Ofi aqj, '3DUBJ J JO JOUOq pazpd soni aqi- jouon jo uoiSaq aa jo eaoio aq) q) 'iunduioo aq) jo wapisaid 'ia[aaqA [aiuBq)x 'iyi paiBjooap 'X)ijo(jadn3 jo uoi) rnaoaai iaq)inj sb uaranaaAOS qoaai am 'sittpatu azuoiq pun jaAjTS lpio3 ipio sajmidraoD aaq)o Su[ai3- aziHd (IÍIVH9 aq)- pajajjo azud )saq3tq aq) XuBdoioa )Bq) pa -piBMB pus 'hb 'jo isaq aq) aja.w saniqoBin uosnM jp jaiaaqü aqi )Bq) paSpntpB 's)sa) puB uoii -BUinnixo 3Ai)smïqxo ja)jB '.{juC siqj, 'SOUBJjI jo sJ3an)ajnuBtn aaiqara SiitMas SinpBaj aq) aja.m moqa jo om) 's)J3dxa [BoraBqDam nSiajoj )saq aqi jo pasodcaoo Xanf v .iq uodn passBd aaaü Xaqj, noi)i)admoo u ajaAv 'BOTjaray jo ssoq) Saipn[3ni 'PI-ioav aq) jo sauiqOBHi'Sm.ttas )saq aq) 'aaaBjj 'subi %v '6881 jo uonisodxa iBSjaAiu.i aq) )V "6 -OK '6 on -aura sbav azud puBjg oqx 'pajqaq v )jai I hnajai azuL pnsjo aq) 3nt))a3 nodn. 'iii.iAi 1 nonisodxjj sijbj 3q) 0,1 6 'OM '6 "Ou - nStn3q s 3jn nsqj 'aujq) toB 1 uaqAV pny i nj op i[q)nora )Bqi siuauiiwsut qi! M 'H iq pasuqsjnd Xijsbb te 1 '6 'Oii '6 'OM - anjd J3,3a 1 taai joj 'anjpai 1 jo. pJBq oj, Í paig ra aisüiB I IB3Z qiJAl 'pojij jou [jns )33 jaAaa ] "6 'OK '6 "ON - aag taj nojsaBin q) ni 'oajqs 1 utqso aq) i '. qoiris ÍKStWWiniI I q)oq J0 qoti aq) pire Jood aqi Lq paAOtaq ra.i ■6 'OU 't 'ON - aojm as pinoqg tsnf noi U393p ainospuBq joj pa y 'boid jnj isaag aq) sb qaji sy 3IB0 paqsnod aag jo si sssjp S]í '6 'OKi, 3HI JO 9JÍ0S 3HI FOR SALE BY Michael Staebler, Ann Arbor, Mich. ■ ■■ H ■ ■ SAMPLES SENT FREÍ ■IBD Bi I oi BPrin8 pattern with 9 ■■ borders and cetllngs to BB U match. Om' half rulilion ■W Ê UmÊ - rolls ofTered at wholesale ■■ ■ ■ M ■pnees. White blanks 4c to 6c. GIlta8ctoS5c. Km-ik k H BBk bos8edGUtsl0cto50c. IV ■ WV will sond youtho most Ê flH KX Ê popular colorines, nnd ■■ MW ■■ BK Kuarantee to save you ■ M ■ money. AlFRED PEATSf ■ ■■ ■ BJi ■ W WI1 Paper Mcrchuut, ÍM5 W. Wshlngton )