Rev. B. A. Brown is in Albion. Oscar Schmid is in Minneapolis. Mrs. E. A. Spence is visiting in Saginaw. Dr. C. Howell, of Alpena, has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. A. C. Nichols. Mrs. A. Hill, of Detroit, is visiting her father, C. Bliss, of South Fifth avenue. Albert C. Schumacher is in Muskegon, testing his process for charging chemical engines. Mr. Watkins, of Manchester, is spending a few days with.his daughter, Mrs. S. W. Clarkson. Walter S. Hicks and family returned Tuesday morning from thcir trip in the south and west. Col. H. S. Dean returned Wednesday, from a meeting of the Board of Pison Inspectors in Jackson. V. M. Tuthill of Grand Rapids visited his cousin, S. W. Beakes, Wednesday, on his way east. Miss Emily Pitkin returned home Monday evening, having spent the winter with her brother, G. S. Pitkin of Petrolia, Ont.