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FOK BALK CHE AP.- Columbia SafetyfBicycle. In flrstfclass condition. W. W. WATI'S, 10 S. Main 8t. 37-41 FOK SALE.--Three and a half lots and house, No. 25 N. Ashley Street. House teu rooms, cistern, water works, barn.all ingood repair. Lots sold separately ïf desired. Lower lots 8250. Lot vritn house. A decided bargain. Enquire of F. J. Schleede, State st., rÜSN. Ashley 8t. REPORT OF THE CONDITION -OF- THE FIRST MUL 1.1, -OF- ANN ARBOR, At Ann Arbor, in the State of Michigan, at the close of business May 4th, 1891. RESOURCES. Loans and iiecouuts, $301.920 53 Overdrafts, 1,240 39 Ü. S. Bonds to secure circulation 25,000 00 Other stock, bonds and mortgages, . . ti,700 00 Due froin approved reserve agente,. 67,08o 75 Premiums Paid 5,500 00 Due f rom State Bank and Bankers, . . 12,872 18 Billsin transit 711 60 Real estáte, furniture and flxtures,. . 13.950 00 Current expenses and taxes paid 1,673 94 Checks and other cash items 2.516 32 Büls of other National Banks 2,497 00 Fraetional Currency (including nickels) 233 84 Specie (including gold ïreasury notes) 13.701 35 Legal-tender notes, 7,185 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation)--. 1,125 00 Due from U.S. Treasurer, oiher tbail 5 percent redeuiption fund 780 50 Total,. .._, $464.588 40 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $100,000 00 Surplus fund 16.000 00 Other undivided proüts 36,642 57 National Bank notes outstanding, ... 22,500 00 Dividend unpaiil 40 00 Individual Deposits subject to check 2(!2,120 9S Demand certificates of depofit, 87.09186 Certified Checks 190 00 Total, WiM.WS 40 STATE OF MICHIGAN, I „ Countyof Washtenaw, fbs' I.Sldney W. Clarkson, Cashierof the above named Bank, do solemnly sivear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. W. CJÚARKSON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this eleventh day of May, 1891. DENSMORE CRAMER, Notary Public. CORRECT- Attest : JAMES CLEMENTS, ) KDWARD TREADWELL, V Directors. PHILIP BACH. 1 GRAND OPERAlÖÖSË JUST ONE ÍÍIGHT. FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 15th. Welcome Sham, Great Tycoon of Japan. Appearance Positive of WiLLIRD SPENCER'S American-Japanese Comic Opera Success The Little Tycoon, Presented on a scale ot Matchless Magniflcence BY THE Author's Own Companj' and Orchestra of 52, Headed by America's Favorite Prima Donna, MISS TELLULA EVANS, Assisted by a Large Chorus of College Students and Tourist Maiden6. PRICES, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25 Seats on Sale Tuesday morning, May 12 at Post Office News Stand C. NTCHOLS. Late of Nichols Bros. Over Adams's Bazaar No. 13 South Main street. MARTIN & FISCHER. PHOPRIETORS OF THE WESTERN BREWEBY, ANN ARBOE, MICHBrewers of Pure Lager Beer. Great Closing Out Sale. Ilats trimmed according to Paris, New York and Cleveland styles. Hats in all shapes and aizes both larere and small. Keathjrs, Flowers, liibbons. Veiling, (rilt and silver Lace. in the line of Mülinery will be sold at the very lowest prices f rom now on. Please cnll and examiae uur line of groods before purchasing-elsewhere. Kespectfully, MKS. A. OTT0, 19 Fourth Ave. 80LD MEDAL, PABIS,T878. Ï. Baker &Co.'S Breakfast Cocoa from -which the excess oí oil has been removed, is AJbsolutély Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strengtk of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crooers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchestsr, Mass. PH-Lfc. PDCCi5JLOL;jl n l '.v .j á31l fS Soliï jp f k3 f3 V. tgPFinJ vtluahl' lineofnouHeiiuld 'TnííBBiSainplCS. These samples, n wt'll "N 'Dftj the witch, are freí. All the work you na 1 do U to how whal we end yoa to those who cali- yuur fne.idsand neighborsand tboe about yon- thatalwayi. rtsult in .liuable trade furu, which holJs forytert whon oncestitrlt-d, nI rhus we are repaid. We pay all ezpreu, frciprht, etc. After fon kiunv uil, if you would like to po to vrork for ut. you can "min trom iiïO t ft(tO per week and upwardi.rAddrets, Si iaituii fc Co. IXux 81 L Portland. Sfaine.