The total debts of the counties of Michi...

The total debts of the counties of Michigan, less the sinking funds, was in 1880, L896.700. In 1890 it had grown to 11,254.698. The debt of this county in 1880 was 131,978. In I890 the county was free from bonded indebtedness. In 1890 the indebtedness of the Michigan counties was exceeded by the indebtedness of the counties in each of twentyeight states. In 1890 the total debt of the United States, the several states and territories and the counties, less the sinking fund, was $1,281,020,840 or $20.46 for each man, woman and child. The democratie national platform of 1884 contained a reciprocity plank as follows: "We favor a American continental policy basec on more intímate commercial an political relations with fifteen siste republics of North, Central an South America, but entangling alh anees with none. " The república platform of 1888 contained an une quivocal declaration against recip rocky, pledging the party "not t surrender any part of 'the system o protection." And the only action of the administration which is re ceived with favor by the people i the steps towards reciprocity, th democratie doctrine. The tendency of the democratie governors to veto bilis appropriating public money for purposes no strictly public in their scope i rather noticeable just at this time Gov. Pattison of Pennsylvania is very unsparing in his use of the veto power whenever he meets such a bilí, and so is Gov. Winans o: Michigan. Gov. Pattison one day last week vetoed a $2,000 appropriation for the Reading hospital, on the ground that no public money should be used for private charity, especially in the case of institutions over which the state has no control. In the same message, by the way, Gov. Pattison declared that Pennsylvania is too lavish in its grants and appropriations. Gov. Winans, of Michigan, on the same day vetoed the Barkworth bill appropriating $100 a month for the home for discharged prisoners at Detroit, and his reason was exactly that ■which Gov. Pattison urged. Gov. Winans may carry his principie to an extreme in vetoing appropriations for the world's fair and the Grand Army encampment in Detroit, yet both he and Gov. Pattison are to be commended for guarding public funds against depredations of a hundred kinds. The practice of these democratie governors, furthermore, is somewhat significant in view of ex-President Cleveland's forcible protest in his Buffalo speech against extravagance in public expenditures. The party seems to be practicing what its leader preaches - and practiced so well as governor and president. - Springfield Republican.
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Ann Arbor Argus