Proceedings Of The Board Of Public Works
(official.! Office of Boakd of Pdblic Wokks. i May 20th, 1891. ) Regular;meeting. Called to order by Pres. Keech. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Communication from II. E. Riggs, Chief Engineer of T. A. A. & N. M.. R. R. was read and placed on file. Mr. Keech moved that George B. Schwab be employed to draw plans and malee specifications for stone bridges on Fejch street across mili race in the tbird ward and on Fifth street across Allen'screek in the second ward. Yeas- Mclntyre, Keech. Mr. Keecli: Resolved, That the ordinance which is violated by parties in making repairs on wqod walks that have been ordered built of different material be referred to City Attorney and he be requested to takè immedíate action to compel parties to conform to said ordinance, and further, be it Resolved, That the Street CorninisBioner report all such violations to the City Attorney. Yeas- Melntyre and Keech. Mr. Keech moved that the Street Commissioner advertise for bids to build fence and walk alongon División street property of John F. Lawrence, Esq. Yeas- Mclntyre and Keech. Board then adjourued. W. J. Millek, Clerk.