City And County
Six nevv dwellings have been built in Clinton. The opera season closes Saturday with Holt in the Gladiator. J. U. Binder had a stroke of paralysis on last Friday evening. Stockbridge has a balloon ascensión and parachute drop to-morrow. A stone side walk is being laid in front of the Sager block on State street. Moses Seabolt is laying a stone sidewalk in front of his residence on Fifth avenue. David Gordon, of Saline, recently sold a ten months' old calf which weighed 975 pounds. Miss Catherine E. Core, died Sunday evening of consumption, aged twenty-four years. Hon. and Mrs. Charles R. Whitman and son returned from New York City, Thursday afternoon. The Stockbridge Sun speaks of our prosecuting attorney's avoirdupois as "the orotunJ physique of M. J. Lehman." Lester H. Salsbury, of Adrián, will deliver the memorial day address in Ypsilanti Sunday evening at the M. E. Church. John F. White, of this city, has been elected a delégate to the general conference of the A. M. E. church, in Philadelphia. Clarence E. Holt, the tragedian, plays the Gladiator in the opera house Saturday evening and closes the regular opera season. A conservative German estimates that there will be 3,000 strangers in the city June 10. Excursions will be run from all directions. Walker & Co. have just received an order for carriages from Australia. In the past two weeks they have sold fifty-five carriages. Mrs. Amelia West, of Cherry Hill, died May 14 of lagrippe, aged eighty-one years. She had resided in Michigan for fifty-five years Horatio Seymour has just dug a well eighty-three feet deep in Waterloo. Horatio kis a great well digger, even if he couldn't be president. Mrs. F. A. Fellows, of Saline, died last Thursday, aged eighty-five years, after an illness of some weeks. The funeral services were held Saturday. Rev. John Patchin will deliver the memorial day address in Manchester, this year. There are twenyfive graves to be decorated in the Manchester cemetery. The sum of #300 has been pledged since April i5th towards building a new A. M. E. church in this city. Rev. Mr. Cotman pastor of the church, expresses himself as highly pleased with the prospect. The Superior grange band attended a flag raising at Cherry Hill Saturday, and will attend the decoration day services in Ypsilanti next Saturday. A. N. Brown has sold the South Bend Daily Post to P. H. Casey, owing to the illness of Mrs. Brown, which has rendered it necessary for them to go farther south. A committee of the Chelsea council reported in favor of ordering 950 feet of new sidewalks built, besides ordering thirty-nine property owners to repair their sidewalks. Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Millen, has removed to their house on Lawrence Street, and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Adams have removed to Mr. Millen's house on Fifth avenue. Prof. Hinsdale has been appointed one of the eight members of the State Teachers' Association to attend the International Teachers' Association to be held in Toronto. O'Hara's milk wagon was demolished yesterday by the horses running away at a living rate from in front of Newberry hall. The team collided with several other wagons. The U. of M. ball teams defeated the Hamilton college nine Saturday by a score of 18 to 3, but were defeated yesterday by the University of Vermont nine by a score of 6 to 2. The Ann Arbor road gives an excursión from Toledo to the Art Loan Thursday. The fare from Dundee for the round trip including admission to the Art Loan is 85 cents and Milan, 65 cents. Dr. Herdman was called upon to testify as an expert, last week, in the case against Miss Jennie Webb, a Pontiac school teacher, charged with causing the death of a scholar by whipping him. Charles D. SYiow, who resided on a farm two miles north of Chelsea from 1841, when he was two years of age, until 1872, died in St. Ignace, May 15. He attended school in Chelsea. William Henne, of the firm of Koek & Hnne, and Miss Emily Jenter were married Thursday evening, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christian Jenter, Rev. John Neumann officiating. The decoration day address in Saline will be delivered by Rev. Mr. Bartlett. Sunday evening memorial exercises will be held in the M. E. church with addresses by Rev. Mr. Potter, Rev. Mr. Platt and Prof. Lester. Mrs. Mary Ethel Gomberg died yesterday at her home on South University avenue and Church-st., aged forty-nine years. The funeral services will be held in Chicago. She has a son in the Chemical laboratory. Rev. J. W. Bradshaw was appointed a member of the committee of the Congregational Association to devise plans for raising $20,000 to make the Congregational home missionary work of the state selfsupporting. A decoration day address will be made at Mooreville, at ten o'clock by Rev. A. B. Conrad and one at the same hour by Rev. G. E. Sloan. An address will be delivered in the Milan rink by Gen. George Spaulding at two o'clock. Rev. H. C. McCook filled the pulpit in the Presbyterian church, Sunday morning and Rev. Mr. McKebbin in the evening. Rev. Dr. T. M. Marshall filled the pulpit in the Methodist church. They were all delegates to the general Presbyterian Assembly in Detroit. The Ann Arbor Thompson Houston Electric Light Company are put ting in a new 150 horse power boiler and, while it is being put in, it is found impossible to run the city lights. The boiler was promised to be here during the moonlight nights but did not arrive on time. Wm. White, a junior in the high school, died Thursday evening of peritonitis. His parents live in Leadville, Col. He had been attending school here for the past two years, and was about seventeen years old. His parents were not with him at the time of his death, but arrived in time to meet the remains at Rochester, Mich., whither they were sent Saturday morning. Ypsilanti has a McKinley hen. She not only lays large eggs, but she makes a point of laying two eggs. every alternate day, the extra egg being of doublé size for family use. The hen was stimulated to this egg enterprise by a knowledge of the tariff of five cents a dozen on eggs, but when her owner took the fruit down town and could "get only ten cents a dozen för the same, the hen was so mad she couldn't cackle. She just walked into the office of the Ypsilantian, scratched up an editorial on the tariff on eggs, clucked twice, and began to "set" in Osband's hat, with a view of hatching out a reason for the low price of eggs. - Adrián Press. Students buying a iooo-mile book for sale by The T. A. A. & N. M. Ry. and good on 14 roads, can use it for all vacations during one year from date. The T. A. A. & N. M. Railway will sell one way tickets at two cents per mile to students in parties of 10 or more to all points in the Central Traffic Association, includining St. Louis, Mo., and Cincinnati, O.
Marriage Announcements
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Charles Snow
J. U. Binder
Moses Seabolt
David Gordon
Catherine E. Core
Charles R. Whitman
Mrs. Charles R. Whitman
M. J. Lehman
Lester H. Salsbury
John F. White
Clarence E. Holt
Amelia West
Horatio Seymour
Mrs. F. A. Fellows
John Patchin
A. N. Brown
P. H. Casey
Charles S. Millen
Mrs. Charles S. Millen
W. D. Adams
Jennie Webb
William Henne
Emily Jenter
Mary Ethel Gomberg
J. W. Bradshaw
A. B. Conrad
G. E. Sloan
George Spaulding
H. C. McCook
T. M. Marshall
William White