Night In The Country

Oh, bird that lingers in the hush Of twilight a.s it falleth. Return ye now unto your nest; List how your sweet mate calleth! Oh, lowing cows, haste to your fold, Or you will be belated - E'en now the milkmaid loudly calis. Too long for you she has waited! From yonder church the chiming bella Ring for the Angelus sweet. And pious souls, with bended heads, The evening prayer repeat. Tho locusts with discordant notes A merry concert hold, As though the coming on of night Made their small hearts more bold. The Jasmine vine that stiades the porch Breaks out in swectest scent. And waftings from the lily bed Are with its odors blentl The low oí kine and notes of birds Grow fainter and more faint. Even tho tircless katydids Havo hushed thcir loud complaint. The glimmering lights begin to shine From many a window pane. And mothers rock their babes and sing A sweet good night rcfrain. To all there comes a country peace, The quiet of a night That is removed from out the world, Far from the city's sicht!
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus