A great deal of tile is being used here this spring. Mr. James Seeley, of Ypsilanti, drove out here Saturday. Walter Kanouse has as fine a flock of lambs as there is in these parts. Died May 22d, infant son of Rev. A. B. Conrad and wife, aged two days. Quite a uumber from here attended the show at Milan Monday evening. The recent frosts did some damage to gardens and grapes, but strawberries seem to be uninjured. Aunt Jane Shepherd, of Detroit, is visiting her old neighbors and friends here for a few weeks. Reuben Westfall is not only grandpa to another fine boy but is papa to a little daughter since May i9th. Two Italians with a performing bear amused the little folks and some of the big ones here last Thursday. The storm last Thursday blew quite a number of trees down. Archy Mclntyre had two cows killed by a tree falling on them. Eider Gonrad and wife, of Chelsea, and Eider and Mrs. Conrad, of Dexter, are spending a few days with their brother and family here.