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A Chtldless Home. Smith and his wife have every luxury that tnoncy can buy, but there íh one tliing lacking to their happiness. Both are fond of cliildren, but no little volees prattle, no little feet patter in their beautlful hqme. "I ■vould li'ivc t-n yeara oi niy lite if I could liavc one healthy, living child of iny nwn," Sinhli often saya to hims.'lí. No woman caí: be ih' mother of healthy offsprlog unless she in heraell i n good health. II slic suffers f rom Fetnale weakness, general debillty, iieariiití-ddwn ])ains, and tunctlonal derangements, her physical condition is Buéh thai siie eannot hope to have healthy children. Dr. Plerce'a I'avorite Perscriptlon is a Boverelgn and gjiaranteed remedy for all these ailnients. See fmarantce printed on bottle-wrapper. Mortgage Sale. DEFAÜLT bavinjr been made in the ■ tionsof acertain mortgage made hy i ard Brown and Catherine Brown to Thomas Kearney, dated March 5, A. D. 1X85, and ( corded in the office of the Kegister of Deeds, for the County of Washtenaw and state of Michigan, on the flfth day of March. A D, 18L5, in Libër ti4 of Mortgages, on page 438 on which mortgage there is cbümed to be due at the , dateof thie notice the suin of two thousand eigbt hundred and ninety-nine dollars and , flftyniue cents, and an attorney's fee of thirty dollars provided for In said mortgage. and no suit or proceed ngs at law having been stituted to recover the moneys secured by . said mortgage, or any part thereof ; Now. tlierefore, by virtue of the power of , sale contained in said mortgage, and the statute in such case made and prorided, notice is hereby given that on Fnday, the tenth day of July, Á. I). 1891, at ten o'elock in the fprenoon, I ehall eell at Public Auetlon, to the highest bidder, at the north from door of the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor (that being the place ivhere the Circuit Court for Washtenaw Connty is holden), the premises described in said mortgage, or s much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due on said mortgaire. "with seven per cent. interest, and all legal costs, together with an attorneys fee of thirty dollars covenanted for therein, the premises being described in said mortgage as all that certain lot, piece and parcel of land sitúate in the Township of Webster, in the County of Washtenaw urd State of Michigan and k'nown and descrilied as follows: The east halfof the north-eaet ijunrter of section. number one in township numberonesouth of range number five, east. THOMAS KEAKNEY, Mortgagee. Tnos. D. Kearney, Attorney for Mortgagee. tóNo more p4ofth's! it 1 Rubber Shoee unirse vrora uneoiaíortebly tielit, jcnerally slip oLE the toet, THE 'COLCHESTER" RUBBER CO maVe UI thelr ptioes wlth Ins'rta ni liec! üne w!tli rubtxT. Tlils clinijs to tbe sLoe .nd preventa t-;" rubber trom slipping oit Cali or the "OolebesTC?" "ADHESIVE COUWTERC." FOR SALE BY Wm. Allaby. John Burg, Boty & Feiner L. Qruner, W. Reinliaxdt & Co., A. D. Seyler & Son, WANTED, FOR SALEJÉTCT FOUND - Au umbrella, on State street. Owner ran have the same by calling at his office, and proving property. 41-4S FOR BENT- Two commodious pleasant flats, with six rooms eacb in New Block on State itxeet. Enquire at No. 18 South State street. 6ti- tf. FOR SALE- Three Cows, two Open Buggies and Phaeton, two sets of Single Harnees, 3ay Press, and Billiard TaWe. C. H. KICHÍ10ND, 60 East Huron street. 39-49 OOR BENT- Offices suitable for Doctor, " Lawyer or Dentist, over W. D. Adam's Bazaar. No. 13 South Main street, C. H. RICHMOND, 60 East Huron street. 39-49. ANN ARBOR NDRSERT- Fruit and ornamental trees. Peach and pear a specialty. Srape vines, berry plante, etc. Pnce low. Jacob Ganzhorn, head of Spring street. 1 PER CENTINVESTMENTS!- County and 1 ÍTownship pecurities. No risk, no collection expenses, reouire no attentioo, absolutely sale! Address E. Berrigan, Principal State Normal School, Milnor, North Dakota. 31- 5S STRAYED- A yearling bright bay colt and dark brown mustang, five years old, on Tuesday, April 28, from Rorabacher's farm a mile and a half west of Wbitmore Lake. Finders please notify Richard Brown, Hamburg, Mich. 35-39 FOR RENT- Unfurniehed rooms for house keeping $5 00 and $7.00 per month. Onehalf of Farge house, $10.00 per month, very convenient, large yard, water etc. Public Hall on Main St., for students or other society. Good office on Main St. New house and 6 acres of ground and fruit trees, a mile from Court House. Enquire of J. A. SE8SIONS, Att'y and Real Éstate Agent. No. 5 North Main SL 3-tf FOR SALE- My horse and phaeton, all complete, robe, harness, whip etc. $175. Adress, Geo. W.Millen. 41-45 tf&t f , . FORSALEORRENT-House No.l] Jeffereon Street. nearDivi6ion ; possession, July 1. C. H. Richmond. 39-49 FOR SALE.- A band doublé buggy, euitable for carrying milk to the creamery. Enquire at this office. 41-45WANTED- A girl to eook and do general housework, for which liberal wagce will be paid. MRS. J. W. MAYNAKD, N. División street. 3&-t3 FOK SALE.- Tbree and a half lots and house No. 26 N. Ashley street. House ten rooms eistern, water worke, barn.all ingood repair. Lots sold separately ïf desired. Lower lots $250. Lotwith house. A deeided barfiain. Enquire of F. J. Schleede, State st., or 25 N. Ashley st. Now we are ready with a NEW BRICK STOREHOUSE for the storage of household goods, pianos, books, stoves, etc. Moving of househeld goods and pianos caref ully done. All kinds of heavy andlightdraying. Freight work. c.E. GODritKV, Reeidence and office 46 Fourth Avenue North TTelephone 82._