Local Brevities

A special meeting of the Business Men's Association will be held this evening. Mtb. Israel Hall will erect a house on the corner of Wnshtenaw and Geddes avenues. Miss Allie Tolehard, formerly of this city will be married in Seattle, June 24, to Albert H. Flynn. James L. Babcock takes possession of the house he recently purchased of Mrs. E. Wells, next week . Rev. John Neumann was chosen vicepresident of the Germán Evangelieal Synod of Michigan, last week. The board of review will listen to complaints regarding assessments, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. The junior auxiliary fair at Harris hall, last Saturday, was very successful, the proceeds amounting to about $50. Kev. Julius Klingmann, of Kansas City, will te installed as pastor of the Salem Lutheran church in Scio, next Sunday. Watch forthe Ai-gus next Friday. You will get it through the postoffice and will be pleased with it, when you get it. Nancy Fisher goes to tlie Detroit house of correction for twenty-two montlis lor drunkenness and disorderly eonduct. Tracy Towner, of Ypsilanti has been appointed circuit court commissioner to fill the vacancy caused by the rena oval of Frank Joslyn. The senior law class decided yesterday to purchase a portrait of the late Professor Wells, painted by B. B. Morgan, of Ypsilanti, for $250. Jos. Parker, of Ann Arbor, and Chas. Sauer, of Ann Arbor, received sewing machines from J. F. Schuh's sewing machine club, Monday night. Alfrod Mitchell, the Cleary student under arrest for breaking in Sanders' c'lothing store in Ypsilanti, was firied $50 and $39.15 costs, which nis father paid. Arbor Tent No. 296 K. O. T. M. wil} attend the Presbyterian church in a body next Sunday morning. This is the prize banner tent of the state and has a large membership. The Argus was the recipiënt of some of the first butter made by the new creamery in this city. The butter was of very fine quality and such butter will undoubtedly be in demand. Turnkey McCabe arrested Mary Spaulding, last evening, on the charge of stealing a dress from Mrs. Fred Stirnson. She is fifteen years old and worked ior Mrs. Stimson one day, when she disappeared with the dress. The Young People's society oí the Baptist church give a strawberry and ice cream festival for the benefit ot the Newberry hall fund, at the church this, Friday, evening. All are cordially invited. A. L. Noble has purchased the readymade stock of clothing of Wagner & Co-, and closed his doors a day and a half to mark down prices. That he gives soine astonishing bargains is shown by his advertisement. The house oí John Pack, on Spring street, was entered by a burglar last "VVednesday, who stole two suits of clothes and $6 in money. The house was entered sometime between ten and twelve, while Mrs. Pack was watching the Arbeiter parade. The Kev. Mr. Gault, of Ionia, Mich., will preaeh next Sunday, June 14, morning and evening, in the Disciples church, on South University avenue. This will be the last service ín the church this spring . M. C. Le Beau, state agent of the National Liie Insurance Co., was in Alpena, this week to pay a $5,000 endowinent policy, the holder of which died ten inonths after it was ïssued. The policy was paid within a week after the proofs of death were filed. The deadlock in the Ypsilanti city council was ended Monday evening by a compromise which resulted in the elcction of George Cook, repubücan, as clerk; J. P. Kii-k, deniocrat, city attorney; W. L. Pack, republican, treasurer; and Calvin Simnions, democrat, street commissioner. At the annual convention of the Episcopal diocese of Michigan in East Saginaw, Wednesday, the committee on the relation of the church to the University reported that $2,500 had been received for the work of Hobart Guild during the year and that $1,300 more was needed. The work seemed encouraglng- Bev. Henry Tatlock was made chairman of the committee tor next ye. Car No 1 of the street railway was struck by lightning, yesterday forenoon, -vhile nu South l'nivorsity avomue. There was no one on thefcir iit the time but Motortuaii ."inwon. The car was shaken up consMerably, the lighfcning arrestor liurned out and the car caught fire. The flames were very quickly exthisriiished by the motprman and a new Ughfning arrestor placed in position. Rev. Dr. Wyllls Hall, ormerlv r; of St. Andrew'a ehurch .in this city, has resigiied the rectorship of the Marquette ehurch. The Marquette Mining Journal says: Rev. Dr.Wyllis Hall has tendered his resigna tion of the rectorship of St. Paul's, to take effect July lst. His decisión to leave Marquette wil] be learned wlth regret by a large number ontside of bis immedlate congregation as his years in this city have placed him high in the estoem of all as a man and as a clergyman. One cause which iias led to liis decisión has been the toealth of Mrs Hall.,who finds the long Lake Superior winters very trying. City Clerk William J. Mille r was :narrled to Miss Minilis Tagge, Wednesday afteraioon at iive o'clock, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Tagge, on Fifth avenue south. The marriage eeremony was performed by Rev. J. M. Gelston. About sixty relatives and intímate friends were present, many being trom out of the city. The wedding presenta were handsome, auinerous aml eostly. Afti 'v tlu wedding supper, amid a showei' of riee, Mr. and Mrs. Miller left lor. the Limited train for Detroit, where they were to take tlie boal for Cleveland. No couple ever began ïnarried Ufe with more cordial wishes for happiness than Mr. and Mrs. MiUer and none have been more deserving of them. The bride is an amiable and accomplished young lady. The groom, who is our popular city clerk, has spent all nis Ufe in this city. He is straightforward, honorable and capable. He has always made a most ef"ficient city officer and has always taken the greatest interest in whatever work liis hands found to do. Long life and much happiness to Mr. and Mrs. Miller. ■' lie club system oí sollir.g sewing machines met with so much favor both to buyer and seller that I have deeided to take ñames for one or two more club-. I expect to open the third club in abont two weeks. This plan gives yon a machine at from $10 to $20 le'ss than spot cash price and you get the world's best machine, choice of Domestic, White, Davis or New Home and the terms of payment are $1.00 each week. I sliall be pleased to seno circular or expiáis the plan personally to any person wanting a miirVune.
Business Men's Association
Salem Lutheran Church
Sewing Machines - Sales & Service
Crime & Criminals
Elections - Ypsilanti
Ann Arbor Street Railway
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Peter N. Tagge
Minnie Tagge Miller
Mrs. Israel Hall
Allie Tolchard
Albert H. Flynn
James L. Babcock
John Neumann
Rev. Julius Klingmann
Nancy Fisher
Tracy Towner
Frank Joslyn
Joseph Parker
J. F. Schuh
Alfred Mitchell
Turnkey P. McCabe
Mrs. Fred Stimson
Mary Spaulding
A. L. Noble
John Pack
George Cook
J. P. Kirk
W. L. Pack
Calvin Simmons
Henry Tatlock
Rev. Wyllis Hall
William J. Miller