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BACH, ABEL & GO. - SEEIES OF- 4. SPECÍAL finat Bons ! _ - ■ - No. 1. 3000 yards of printed Cotton Challies, Best Make, at 5c per yard. No. 2. 3000 yards of Columbia, printed Cotton Serges, at 9c per yard, worth 12c per yard in a regular way. No. 3. 25 pieces of Atlantic F. Cashmeres, at 25c per yard, 36 inclies wide and a beautiful line of colors. No. 4. 20 pieces of All-Wool Henrietta at 50c per yard. 40 inches wide and all the new shades. No. 5. 35 pieces of Plaided and Striped French Organdíes, Fast Black, Newest Patterns and lowest prices. The handsomest line of these goods ever shown in this city. No. 6. 40 pieces of Striped Zephyr Ginghams at 10c per yard. The same goods are sold by ordinary dealers at 15 cents. No. 7. 100 dozens of Ladies, Full Kegular, Fast Black Hose, at 25c per pair. These goods cost more to import than we have made the price. No. 8. Black Dress Laces. We are showing 40 different styles ranging in price from SI to $5 per yard, and to say that that they make the most genteel dress for a lady is simply stating the truth. Our stock will supply the material needed. No. 9. Reefer and Blazer Jackets, and we have put ourselves in position to supply the demand from the Plain Black Cheviot to the Xatty White Yacht Cloth. All made in the latest style, coupled with the lowest prices. No. 10. Kid and Fabric Gloves, Mitts, Hosiery, Laces, Ruchings, Muslin and Knit Underwear. Our stock of these articles will afford you genuine satisf aetion as it supplies your wants at very low prices for good goods. BACEAÍL& CO., 26 S. MAIN STREET. wam im society UNIVERSITY HALL ! ANN AKBOR WEDNESDAY.JUME 24,'91 Grand Orchestra (45 musicians). Prof. A. A. Stanley, Conductor. Tickets, including reserved seat, 50c Boards open at Moore's Booketore, both on State 6treet and down town, Saturday, June 20, at 10 a. m. Concert begins at 8. Doors open at 7 :15. WANTED AT ONCE.-A girl for general house work at the Exchange Hotel, North State street, near the Michigan Central aeppt. 46 - 4b AT. SLATER- Cleaning and repairing pas oline stoves. Gas attached to gasoline Btoves. Orders may be left at Eberbaeb .s Hardware Store, or sent by mail. o. IJ & - Main Bt., A.nn Arbor. 4b"lli AGENTS i TO I ENTIRELY WANTED I "S? NEW BOOK The most wonderful colleetion of practical, real valué and every-day use Lor the people ever published on the globe. A marvel oï money-saving and money-earning lor eery one owning it. Thousands oí beautiíul, helptul engravings, showing just how to do everythmg. No competition; nothing like it in the urnverse, When you select that whieh is of true valué, sales are sure. All sincerely desiring pajing employment and lookiug for 6omethmg thoroughly ürst-class at an extraordinary low price, should write for desoription and terms on the most remarkable achievement in booltuiaking since the world began.