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. Businet will 1k fUill in town notill har vost ís over. Ralph THiajtcher, of Ann Arbor, speni Jthe Fourth at tliis pila-. A. .1. Sawyer and famlly are roatlcatins ;ii Cavanaugih lalce. -Miss Lillle Mutchell, of Hucfcon, i.i visiting friends 11 tibia ilace. ; The uuion meeting nexi Sundav night will ba aft the M. E. church. Byron Wfelit, wlio works in Detroit, spent the Fourth with his fmily here. Dr. E. M. Speer, of Baittle Creek, spent last Saturday and yunday wlth relatives here. (eorge l'ullcr nnd Will Durand, of Baftle Creek, Spent the Fourth witli! tbeir parents here. , The iirst ripe liuckleberriea werö urouuiu li re lawt Tuesday and brought 10 cents per quant. The indications now are tfliat ncw wheal wlU ojA-n somewfaere drom 85 to 88 centa irr buehel. Dr. Koberteon and fa.mily, of Battle Ci-eek, spent tliie Fourth a.nd Sunday Wlth relatives at this pjace. Harvesting was eomewhat delayetj by the rain last TuescÜay but it has progreBsed rapidly aince it cleared u. i Grove Sliowerman and wite of I'aw Paw, spent the Fourth with Mrs. Showerjnan's párente, JIr. nad Mrs. Ged. Richards. W. H. AVood-, wlio has iiianaged the mili here soine time píiet, has taken a situation at Zanesville, Uhio, and wiü soon remove there. E. SjpíMrkíi, of Jackson, bid in the grist mili here last Friday at mortgage sale and will move here and run Iti after the first of 'August. Gt-ain ijfi-ices ai-e nominal at 95 ets. for wheat, 35 ets; for oa'ts, 75 ets. for rye. Buttea-, 13 efcs.; eggs, 15 ets.; oaew potatoes, $1.00 por bushel. The annual meeting for this school district will be held alt the town hall, nest Mondaty night. The free textbook question will be voted on again. Wool has moved quite freely the past week, the price remaining ttneliaiiged at 20 to 25 ets., accordiing to quality, The farmers see very little hope of g-etting any more andaré letting it go. The Fourth iva a lively day at 'mv;uiiiik-1i lake. There was a largo erowd thrif ajid the day was spenü boating and with various games, closing with some fireworks and a dance in the ev.ening. Frank TakaJSkey, a Japanese student at Evanston Theological Seminary. nineteen years old, lectured at the W. E. chuTCh last Jlonday nlght. He gave a very Kne account of hia people and a collection amountlng to 97.40 was taken for him.