Bees are making a good d)eal oí lioney this seasan. Huckleberries are norv ripe but are not much of a crop in this vicinity. Things are "in statu quoi" at the iunction, whatever that may mean. Apples are falUng off tiie traes and a sniall crop may be expectsd. diermies are plemtiful. Flowers, íerns, snakes and interesting curiosities await thoee who ramblo in the country. Come and see. The Smulay school in the Roberts dist riet had a picnic with fireworks at J. Ellswoi-th's, o-n the Fourth. TJie heavy rainswe have had lately are no dotibt a Wessing, but like most tJiings in this worlct not an unmixed toeneíactioai avíUi hay down, harvest under lieadway and corn and potatoes ta attend to.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
J. Ellsworth
Pittsfield Township