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The county house ,of Alpenja county, Ivurned Tuesday. Thè National banks of Detroit havo nearly $10,000,000 on dijposit. West Bay City has issued .$70,000 paving bonds. Six milesoi pavement re to be laid. A $40,000 fire occurred in South Haven, Sunday, twonty-two building bcing burned. The Michigan College of Medicine and Surgery in Detroit has just graduated all of twelve young doctors. Gv. Winans has removed Glaser and Johnson, Escariaba justiees, for noi Accounting for fees. Glaser is also judge of probate . A little eiightyear-old daughtr of John Kopple, of Fremont, accidentally tipped over a barrel of salt, Monday and her skull was crushed. The Saginaw Glofte has just celebrated its first birthday by ?, paper printed in red and blue. The Globe ís a very newsy daily and we wish ii many more prosperous birthdays. Governor Winans has appointed as the World's Pair commission, Isaao M. Weston, of Grand Rapids; Welling ton R. Burt, of Saginaw; James W Flynn; Eugene H. Belden, of Jackson Mrs. Julia S. Valentine, of Lansinu uu Airs. Julia A. Fonjd, of Hillsdale. Marl TV. Stevens, of iFllnt, is secretary. Robert McDonald, of AVest Branch was released froin prlscjn in Jackson Monday, after serving a two years eentence for criminal assault. Th( same day he attempted to assault a six-year-old 'git-1, was chased by inïuriated citizens and lodged in jail. He should be given the iullest extcnt of the Iaw. John Burtless, of Franklin, last week drove to a house, hitched his hores and went into a back field to interview the lord of the maoor. When he returned his horse was covered with bees, whicli had stung the animal nearly to death The cranky little "cusses'' yielded only to a "smudge" fire. The horse had fatted to doublé his natural size within an liour after the action. - Adrián Press. Frank Lane, of Marquette, smelled gas. He iput his nose near the dooi of the and it smelled stronger. He opened the vault do-or and it neaily took his breath awiay. He then strttck a match and he found out that it was really His hair was burned off and his hands .badly burned. A boy on the sidewalk had his hair scorcned and a large plate glass window isl no more. Jackson has a eouple of curi,osities that are reeetving some attention from the state press. One of them is a horse that chews tobáceo with an evident relish, while the other is a pett Ipnllet, the property of City Attorney Snow, that has a great ear for music. Whenever its owner whiatles her henfehlp wlU waltz and cut various cute Capera with as much energy as a human dameer. - Hillsdale Democrat. There is a eross-eyed butcher in Britton, who was goitag to shoot a beef critter ,the other day. Hia neighbor saw him lookiog at a specimen owned by the neighbor and told him to change his eye or there would be trouble. Tlie butcher made the change and then. banged away, shooting the neighbor's cow by the change. There is trouble ïn Britton and the farmer will have fi law passed to keep guns out of the hands of cross-eyed men.- Iludson Gazette. Li. UUQUU V- -ííC LiuA peculiar case ol accidental death occurred in the second ward, Wednesday. Fatlier Baumgartner and G. S. Brackin observed a dead robín hangtag! fi'om the ümb of a.n appU' tree Investigation reveated that the little buildetf had been cawyín a long storing to its nest wfliich was wound around its neck in its flig'-it and eaught on a Jimb. Tfeere was no bad boy in the case as there was no trace oí human hands. Death at the opening of the ciherry season is peculiarly sad íor a robin.- Pontiac Post. Northport is exciteVl, and some peo-' pie think one lynching íor one . GilJ would just about square matters. Th'.á Gilí, and -svhose front name is Howard and who is a religious enthusiast, i3 said to have baraten nis norse to insensibility and then left the poor brute so strapped down that it could not rise. Anothar Gül, namod Wilbur, ia accused of roasting a balky horse to death with a fire built of hay, and the old man, Willianl, is said to bo the king bee of the lot and recently chopped his daughter's pet dog to death because it annoyed him. Th Gills are well fixed financiallj-.- 1)" troit JournalAn Oakland county farmer who keepa a frcod mañy sheep, was feeding his f lock ono i'.ay recent ly when he noticed a black spot on one of his sneep, which disappeared while he was lookdng ait it. He looked closer and was nonaze'd to see tlhree m)ice come from somewhere down in the sheep's thicb coat of wool, jump to the ground and scamper away. Tïie farmer put his liand down into the vool and found tlhree snug nnd cosy naouse nests, each wit(h a Hfcber of young ones in it. The mouse colonies were broken up. Simflar ones were found In ttie fleeces of three other eheep in the flock. The Bheep didn"t Beem to mind 5t.