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Tonyny McNainara now has a gont at his horse barn. Tiin"McKom' wil] l)uild a stone wal1, in front of hls store building. union service wil be at the Congregational church oext Sunday night. Kev. 0. C. Balley exchanged pulpit" wnli a (rass Lakc minister last Sun day. Over $30 have beon paid out for feparrow heads in tliis townsbjp s;nc April lst. Business has been very dull this woelj on account of the large exit of peopl? to Detroit, this weok. Mrs. Dr. Shaw and her daughte? Mámie, of Ypsilanti, are spendint; iln week -svith relatives here. ilrs. Dr. Halleck, of Brooklyn. H spending the week with her mother Hrs. Sibley, north of town. AVe have had no rain here to speal$ of since June and it is gettinir opprssive and quite injurious to crops. Fred Kellogg, of Lyndon, was fined $5 and costs on Moaday by JxiBticct Sehnaitman for a plain drunk. Six hiiiulred peoplo gnthered nt tho depot, last Monday mornlng, to seq the veterans and friends off to the en carapment. Some persons are canvassüag thi, township and Lima lor a biograpnica album of prominent citizens of the county to be publlshed at $15 vol nme. Wrs. R. M. Congdon, of Grand June tion, Iowa, took advantage of ex curslon ratea to visit her mother, Mra Sibley, and other relatives al tui place this week. A larg-e number of excursión train from California and other Intermediati; statcs, went through this place the iirst of the week, laden with peopl? lor the encampment. The Backns brothers, of Webster were here witlï their wool Tuesday for H. S .Holmes & Co. One had tipvai-l of 2,100 lbs. and the otliier over 1.700 lbs. They got 23 ets. per pound ex cept on a few discount fleeees. The market has been quiet tho past week with small receipts, but somt) liigher pillee one week ago. Wheat 87 ets. for white and 86 for red; rye, 07 ets.; oats, 85 ets. ior old and C5 for new. , The market is not open yet for barley but is likely to open at lbout $1.00. Potatoes 50 ets.; eggs 1 ." ets.; luit ter, 14 ets.; hogs and cal t Ie 4 to 4 l-j2 ets. live weight. Woo continúes to come in slowly al 23 ets fo rfairly washed fleecs.