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GEOUGE WAHH THE LAKGEST Book and f all Paper DEALER IN THE CITY, Offers for the SEASON OF 1S91, the Best Selected Stock of WALL PAPER jun WINDOW 8HADB8 Ever shown in the city. Look at the following Priees bef ore buying: BesiWhite Blanks, 5, 6, 7c Best Flats, 10, 12, 15c Best Gilt Paper, 6, 8, 10c High Class Grade Gilts 12, 15, 18c Fine Decorations, 20, 25, 30c Our Papers are all guaranteed f uil length and best etock. In short, we are the cheapest Wall Paper House in the city. Remember we have the best Wall Paper Hangers and Decorators in our employ . We would invite Special Attention to our full line of fine Stationery. GEORGE WAHR, Leading Bookseller and Stationer, Opposite Court House, Ann Arbor, Mich. m s Vfe.K v--: Blek Headache arjd relieve all tho troublos ent to a bilioua stats of the-syetoru. eucli a Dizziness, Nausfia, Drowsinos, Discress aitsi: eating, Pain ia the Bido, ie. Whila theiiznosS remarkablo sucoosa Laa "oeca otown inouiicg Hettíacho, yet Cartor's Littlo Livor Pille ara cqually valuablo in Constipation. cnritig and preventing thisannoyinfïcoinplamti'wliil3 theyalso correct all disorders 01 thostome cli,3timulate tha Jiver and xegulate the bowels. Even ïï tliey om j I Acbo they wonld be Elmoet priceles3 to t Uose who eu iler f rom thia distressing complaint; but f orfcuSatelytheirgoodnes3doe3notondbere,andthosa who once try them yrilï find these littlo pills valueble In so many ways that they will not bo wililiog to do without them. Bat af ter aüsick boa4 ACHE flsthebane of bo many Uvoa that here la whera Itïomakeourgreat boaat. Oor pilla euro itwhila ICthers do not. Carter'8 liittle Llver Pills are very small and 1 very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. Tney ra strictly vegetable and do not gripe or pnrge, but by üieir gentle action please all who usethun. Invialaat 25 cent ; nvofor$l. Sclil by druggiits every wliuro, or sent by mail. 'CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PBIGE