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The Bridgewater Farmers' Picnic

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The Bridgewater farmers' picnic is minently a social one. Friends and neighbors meet in harmony, greet acli other pleasantly and have a most njoyable visit. There is absolutely o commercial tinge to the picnic and o political axes are ground. On this ccount it is all the more pleasant. Of late years it has become the cusom of many residing near the grounds ;o take their dinners at home with riends and to drive to the ground afer dinner to listen to the exercises and isit with the others present. Those rom a distance, however, yet bring askets and make a basdet picnic out f it. The picnic this year was held last aturday in the regular place of meetng, Palmer's grove. Until noon it ireatened rain and many were deerred from coming. Quite a goodzed crowd gathered, however, and were well repaid. The editor of the Argus was the guest of Mr. C. Saley on ie occasion and never enjoyed a more ociable and friendly picnic. The Teumseh News was represented by its enial editor, C. F. Fields, the newly lected secretary of the Lenawee ounty school board. If there were ny other editors present they kept ut of our visión. H. C. Calhoun was president of the ay and presided with becoming grace nd dignity. Rev. Mr. Cope, of Manhester, read a very plessant address eferring to the memories of childhood ays and of our early homes in a touching manner. People are geting rid of the idea that education was ntended only for what has been ermed the learned professions. Colege graduateb were now ready to stay n the farms, and the girl graduates were ready to become farmers1 wives. Mr. Clark, of Saline, sang the "Spider nd the Fly" in excellent tenor voice nd it may be remarked that the muical part of the programme was much above the usual picnic standard. A young man from Hillsdale played a very difficult selection on a guitar and larmonica, using both at the saine' ime. Mr. Eouse, of Saline, sang two oíos and Mr. Clark contributed to the enjoyment of the occasion with a econd solo and a duet with Mr. Eouse. V Hillsdale college student argued forcibly that it was the f armer's duty o produce wealth and that there was ïo such thing as over-production. Herbert Cope, of Manchester, recited in character two very comical pieces which brought down the audience. Mrs. Lowery, of Bridgemater, read the poem "VVhy I Left the Farm," in good voice. lloswell Kandall, of Bridgewater, aged nearly ninety, made a ten minutes' address which would have )ut to shame manya younger speaker. F. E. Mills, superintendent of the connty fair, spoke a good word for the 'air and urged the farmers of Bridgewater to be well represented. The following officers were chosen :or, next year: President, William aadd; secretary, Mrs. Charles Johnson; treasurer, Lamar Brown; committee, Messrs. and Mesdames Thomas Van Giesen, John Renschler, George Ilotrein, William C. Hogers, Chris Saley, Joseph Lowery, Merritt Martin Columbus Aulls, Buel Johnson, John Logan. Ice cream, watermelons, etc, were to be had on the grounds. Everyone had a good time and voted the picnic a continued success. Long may the Bridgewater farmers' picnic wave.