Real Estáte For Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, C017NTY of Washtenaw, ss. i In the matter of the Estato of Mary Belle t Davis and H&ndolph DavN, (Minora Notico c lê hereby gi ven that In pursuance of an order firaiited tii the undeisiifned Guardiau of the i Bátate of said Minors by the Son. Judgeof i Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the i Twenty flrst day of Jnly. A. D. 1891, there wlll be sold at Public V'eudue, to the highest t bidder, at the East door of the Court House in i the City of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washt lena-, in said State, on Monday the Seveuth 1 day ol September A. D 1891, at ten o'clock in i forenooH of that day (subject to all encumI bránoM by mortgj?e or otherwise existing at the time of the Sale) the following described Í Keal Estáte, to-wit: I The individual one-seventh interest of the , North-East quarter of the North-East quarter i of section Kleven, and the Weet quarter of the NorthWest quarter of section twelve, 1 all in the township of Lodi, Washtenaw County, ; Michigan, i EMMA A. SMALI,EY (formerly Davis) Guardian, i LAKE SUPERIOR TRANSIT COMPANY ' THE GREAT DULUTH ROUTE ] i Intended sailiny of steamerB from Detroit i tor Sault 8te Marie, Duluth and other Lake . Superior Ports:- Mondays and Fridays, 8p. m. : i Thnrsday8 and Saturdays, 10.30 i". M.; central i time. ior Cleveland and Buffalo, Sundays Mondays, WedncsdayB and Saturdays; Erie, Mondays and Saturdays, 5 p. M . central time. makinr railroad connections for all points East and South. Kail oonneetions at Duluth for St. Paul, Minneapolis, Northern Paciflc and Qreat Northern Kailway Poiuts, Paciflc Coast, etc. Bag'gtige ehecked throujfhto destination. For tickets and Information, appy to il, T. WHITING, G.N'i. AaiHT. Doek and Office, 33 West AtwatorSt., nearGriswold, Detroit. Mioh. TJLé HERZ, NO. 4 W. WASHINGTON ST. House, Sign, Osamesal and Fresco Paihter, rilding, calcimininir, glazing and paper hanginír. Allworkis done in the best Btyle and warranted to trive satisfaction. WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER. OP ALL The Newest Designs ! PRICES THE LOWEST AT OSCAU 0. SOUG, ■ THE DECORATOR, 70 S. 3aLj&.Tlr ST. EBERBACH & SON. DEÜGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS, Nó. 12 South Main Street DEALEKS IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stufïs, Artist's and Wax Flower Materials Toilet Articles, Trusses, Etc. PDRB WINRS & UQD0R8 Special attcntion paid to tne furnishine; of Physicians, Chemists, Schools, etc, with philosophical and Chemical Aparatus, Bohemian Chemical Glassware, Porcelain Ware, Pure Reagents, etc. Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully Prepared at All hours. THE M iSñjm Mi Pears and Grapes a Specialty Fruit, Ornamental Trees and Flowers From Ellwanger & Barry. Order Early by Mail. SYKUPS, MEDICINAL WINES HASPBERRY SYRUPS, BONESET., DANDELION AND OTHER DOMESTIC GRAPEWINES Preparod Especially for Invalids. { Pure Plymouth Rock Eg-gs._S E. BATTR. "West Hnron St. O tf S SÏS.S B g il 8 ! b 5 g li i i ' Ö ö 11 H s I i Hij i II I
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Painting Contractors & Services
Paint & Wallpaper - Retail
Eberbach & Sons
Ann Arbor Fruit Farm
Baumgardner's Marble Works
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Mary Belle Davis
Randolph Davis
Emma Smalley
J. T. Whiting
William Herz
Oscar O. Sorg
Emil Baur