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Dan Long, of Jackson, was here on Monda}". Eider Mclntosh will go to the annual conference nextweek. Business in town is very dull this week, as the farmers are seeding. The wind-mill at the town pump has been treated to a much-needed coat of paint. Wm. Bacon shippbd a car load of live poultry from here to New York last Saturday. Dr. G. A. Robertson, of Battle Creek, made a flying cali here last Saturday night. Some much-needed crossings have been put in and still others are needed in town. The concert at the Baptist church last Sunday night drew a crowded house and was a success. There will be no fair at Chelsea this year and the grounds will probably be sold to pay debts. Frank Sweetland and wife, and E. G. Hoag and wife returned from their northern trip to Petoskey and other points Monday night. An unusual amount of Clawson wheat is being sown because it does well and is less liable to have smut in it than red wheat. Mediterranean and Egyptian are good kinds of wheat to sow. John H. Aiken is the name of a young attorney who hung out a shingle for business here last week. His first case was to marry one of our excellent girls, which is a good way to begin business. It now begins to appear that the excitement over wheat and rye was unwarranted by the facts that those who made sales of wheat at $i per bushei and rye at 85 ets. or upwards made good sales and will have no cause to regret such sales. The markets have changed but little the past week, being dull and more inclined to go down than up. Wheat now stands at 94 ets. for red and 82 for white; rye, 86 ets.; barley, $1.10 to $1-25; oats, 31 ets.; beans, #1.50; apples, $1.00 per barrel; peaches, $1.00 to $2.00; pears, 75 ets. for choice; eggs, 14 ets.; butter, 14 ets.